Source AC Control Connections (cont.)
Option 3 - Using Several ACC-48s to Turn On Sources Individually and
Specific External Amplifiers As Needed
The Delta-88 can be modified with a second 9 pin "D" connector which is located on the right
side of the Delta-88's rear panel. This 9 pin "D" connector will only provide zone tracking and
therefore leaves the programmable 9 pin "D" connector available to accomplish source
tracking. With this modification installed on the Delta-88, ACC-48s can be used to provide both
independent source AC control and independent zone AC control for external amplifiers.
Step 1 - Setting the ACC-48's Jumper Pins - Make Certain the Delta-88 is Off
Select an AC outlet on the ACC-48 for the MT-3000. If the MT-3000 is operating as the
first three sources to the system on Delta-88 inputs 1-3, jumper pins must be in place on
#1, 2, & 3 on the corresponding ACC-48s jumper pin bank. If only two of the MT-3000's
tuners are sources on the system, set only two jumper pins.
Select an AC outlet on the ACC-48 for the next source and set a single jumper pin on its
corresponding ACC-48 jumper pin bank that matches this source's input to the Delta-
88 (i.e. #4 jumper pin for the fourth source on the system).
Repeat step "b" for all remaining sources. If two ACC-48s are used for the sources, you
will repeat step "b" for all sources on both ACC-48s.
For turning on power amplifiers specific to one zone, a second ACC-48 (third ACC-48
is two ACC-48s are used for source AC switching) will be used for zone tracking. This
ACC-48 will have jumper pins set to specific zone numbers corresponding to the rooms
with external power amplifiers. The amplifiers will then be plugged into the respective
ACC-48 AC outlets. Please note, because of the ACC-48's 10 Amp rating, additional
ACC-48s may be needed for external amplifier AC switching should your total
amplifiers' current draw exceed 10A.
Step 2 - Connection of the ACC-48 to the Delta-88
Source ACC-48s - Using a 9 pin flat ribbon cable, provided with the ACC-48, connect one
end to the ACC-48, the middle connector to the second ACC-48, and the other end to the
9 pin "D" connector on the back of left side of the Delta-88's rear panel
Amplifier ACC-48 - Using a 9 pin flat ribbon cable, provided with the ACC-48, connect
one end to the ACC-48 and the other end to the 9 pin "D" connector on the back of right
side of the Delta-88's rear panel.
Step 3 - Plugging in the Sources and External Amplifier
The sources should be plugged into their respective ACC-48 AC outlets. VCRs or other
components with clocks that require constant AC, should always be plugged directly
into an AC outlet.
Plug the external power amplifiers into their respective ACC-48's AC outlets.
Step 4 - Programming the Delta-88's 9 Pin "D" Connector for Source Tracking
Plug the Delta-88 into an AC outlet.
Turn on the Delta-88 by first selecting a room button and then any source button. The
Delta-88's "Source Display" will first read "POWER UP" followed by the selected source