In some situations, the home theater will have its own set of video sources yet still require
complete access and control of all sources on the central multi-room systems. In this case, the
sources are no longer common to both the VS-3 System Titanus and the Delta System and thus
no source networking parameters apply (unless the system incorporates more than two Delta-
88s). In such a case, the networking considerations shift from common source equipment to
the SSD-66 surround decoder.
It is the SSD-66 (and associated amplifier) that needs to be networked to operate with both the
Delta System for music and the VS-3 for video. In such a situation, the home theater must exist
on zones 1, 2, or 3 as the VS-3 has only three like output addresses that correspond to the SSD-
66. If the SSD-66 is to operate (track) with the following VS-3 outputs, the Delta-88 zone
position (zone number) must match.
VS-3 Output 1
SSD-66 Address 00
Delta-88 Zone #1
VS-3 Output 2
SSD-66 Address 01
Delta-88 Zone #2
VS-3 Output 3
SSD-66 Address 02
Delta-88 Zone #3
Again, two BI-3000s are used to isolate the VS-3 from the Delta-88. However, since the only
device that requires isolation is the SSD-66 and since the SSD-66 will always require one BI-
3000 no matter the system integration scenario, only one additional BI-3000 is required. The
SSD-66's ADA Bus™ connector goes to both BI-3000s which then wire back to their respect
system networks, VS-3 and Delta-88. An LLS-2 Line Level Switcher is used to provide an audio
override of the video sources whenever the VS-3 is on. When the VS-3 is off, the SSD-66 will
receive the music sources' audio signals. Furthermore, to turn on the SSD-66 and home theater
amp when either the music system or the video system are turned on, ADA implements AC
control with the ACC-3.
As in the previous option, the VS-3 still has three active outputs which can provide switching
to three monitors or video recording devices. The video system can accept a total of eight video
sources. The audio system can be set up with at least its own eight sources. The client will have
two keypads in the theater, one which controls the video system and the other which controls
the audio system. Again, the video system will override the audio system. Provisions can be
made to alter the override such that the music system turning on in the theater overrides the
video system. As in the previous option, turning the music system to "All Off" does not in
anyway turn off the video system as they are totally independent of each other.
Since this option requires two keypads, one for music and one for video, ADA has several
design options which may suite your needs.
Locate the music system keypad on a wall surface as in other rooms. Provide a tabletop
keypad for the theater video system.
Provide the client with a dual keypad (side-by-side) on the same wall plate.
Provide the client with a dual tabletop keypad which connects to a modified WPA-3000.
ADA Bus™ Wiring - Networks (cont.)