Description of the DELTA System (cont.)
have three other sources in addition to the MT-3000, a single ACC-48 can be used. The
AC outlet for the MT-3000 would have three jumper pins in it bank in correspondence
with the inputs it takes up on the Delta-88. The remaining three sources will plug into
the other three AC outlets with their respective jumper pin banks set with a single
jumper in correspondence to the sources' connection to the Delta-88.
Option 2 - Zone Tracking. When the Delta-88's 9 pin "D" connector is set to zone tracking (in
software), the ACC-48's AC outlets will engage on and off with respect to a zones use
on the Delta-88. Thus an ACC-48 can provide independent AC control to up to four
zones. This device is used when including a home theater system on a particular zone
or external power amplifier on a particular zone. Please note that the ACC-48 can
handle a 10 amp load. If the total four outlets will draw more than 10 amps, additional
ACC-48s will be needed. You can slave several ACC-48s off of the Delta-88's 9 pin "D"
connector. *When working with a tight budget, a single ACC-48 can be used to provide
all sources on at once AC switching on one outlet with the remaining three outlets used
to provide independent room amplification AC control. **If you are using more than
one Delta-88 and have auxiliary amplifiers on both Delta-88s, you will need one ACC-
48 per Delta-88.
Option 3 - Zone Tracking & Source Tracking. The Delta-88 can be modified to accommodate
a second 9 pin "D" connector which provides only zone tracking. This connector and an
ACC-48 would provide amplifier/theater AC switching. The standard 9 pin "D"
connector would be set to source tracking (in software) and be used with ACC-48(s) for
independent source AC switching.
ACC-3 Single AC Controller
is capable of providing a switched AC outlet (two AC outlets
rated at 15 amps per ACC-3) when it receives one of
two low voltage triggers. It is connected to the Delta-
88 using a DB-9 9 Pin "D" to Screw Terminal connec-
tor. If you are using a Delta-88's 9 pin "D" connector
for zone tracking, a single DB-9 is used per Delta-88
with any number of ACC-3s to power large external
amplifiers. Since the ACC-3 has a 15 Amp rating, it
may be more conducive for systems using several
large amplifiers in place of an ACC-48 (10 Amp max).
1 2 3 4
-A+ -B+