Controlling Other Rooms From an MC-3000
After you have set theMC-3000 for any particular Room, you can move to any other room and
select a source, control the volume, or transport functions for that room's selected source. You
could also turn another room off without affecting the room to which your control is locked.
To move to another room, follow these steps:
Press the and release the SHIFT button on the MC-3000. The keypad will indicate
"ALT FUNCTION", then quickly display the "ROOM NAME" and then the "SOURCE
Press the TREBLE UP or TREBLE DN buttons (DELAY and MONO ENHAN for
keypads controlling home theaters with SSD-66s) to go the "NEXT ROOM" or "PREVI-
OUS ROOM" respectively.
When you are done controlling other rooms, press the SHIFT button or do not
press any buttons for approximately thirty seconds. The control will automatically
return to its default output reading "NORMAL MODE".
A variation of the above will permit a keypad to scan all three rooms once, displaying the room
name and the source (all Room Off) playing in that room. After the keypad has gone through
all three rooms, it will automatically return to normal mode. To access room scan:
Press the and release the SHIFT button on the MC-3000. The keypad will indicate
"ALT FUNCTION", then quickly display the "ROOM NAME" and then the "SOURCE
Press the FAST FORWARD (
) button. The display will read “ROOM
SCAN” and begin displaying the room name followed by the source (or Room Off) then
the wrods "NEXT ROOM" and its name and source. To end "ROOM SCAN" press the
SHIFT button and the display will read "NORMAL MODE". The MC-3000 will also
automatically reset after all three rooms have been scanned.
Turning the System Off
As part of the innate flexibility of a Delta System, there are two “levels” of off commands built
in. Because a Delta System could have up to three different rooms, these two levels are needed
so that turning off one room would not turn off the others, unless so desired. Therefore, when
the ROOM OFF button is first pressed, that room will turn off leaving the other rooms on. The
keypad for the room who was just turned off will display "ROOM OFF" When the ROOM OFF
button is pressed again, at the same control, the entire system will turn off.
For rooms with an SSD-66, the ROOM OFF button when pressed the first time will mute the
SSD-66 with the keypad displaying the words "OFF-STANDBY" and "AUDIO MUTED".
Pressing the ROOM OFF button again will turn off the room with the keypad displaying
"ROOM OFF". Pressing the ROOM OFF button a third time will turn the system off. The
keypad will display "ALL OFF" and after a few seconds change to the time.