GUID-45BBD7D0-9094-4E43-9EA5-44B939B1196E V3 EN
Figure 8:
PCM600: IEC 61850 signal designation concept
The created technical key for the full path name of the IED would be:
AA1 = substation in the project
J1 = voltage level from 20 to 30 kV
Q03 = the third bay in the voltage level
A1 = first IED in the bay Q03
Setting the technical key
The maximum length of technical key is 28 characters for Edition 1
and 60 characters for Edition 2.
In the
Plant Structure
view, right-click the IED and select
Set Technical Key
in IED
Section 3
1MRS757810 C
PCM600 tool
REC615 and RER615
Engineering Manual