The protection relay's front port IP address is fixed to “”
and it cannot be modified.
Set the IP address for the protection relay's rear port and the corresponding
subnet mask via the LHMI path
Rear port
Table 3:
Default IP address for the rear port and the corresponding subnet mask
IP address
Subnet mask
Communication fails if the IP addresses of the front and the rear port
belong to the same subnet.
When using redundant Ethernet (HSR or PRP), configure all devices
in the network before connecting cables to ports LAN A and LAN B.
Avoid using the LAN A or LAN B ports on redundant communication
modules while changing the
Switch mode
IED Update
The firmware update tool is used for patching the IED firmware and for adding or
replacing additional languages to the IED. Update packages are provided by Customer
Support. The update tool can be used either locally or remotely.
It is recommended to take a backup of the IED configuration before starting the
update. This can be done by using the Read from IED function from the IED context
menu in PCM600. The user needs to be authorized before using the tool. User
credentials are asked if the default administrator password has been changed.
Administrator or engineer credentials are needed for authorization.
Prerequisites for local and remote updates
Local update
Use of the front port is recommended when updating locally. Remove the IED
from the network especially with redundant network topologies (HSR/PRP).
Remote update
1MRS757810 C
Section 3
PCM600 tool
REC615 and RER615
Engineering Manual