5.7 User messaging
The FlexMT standard modules integrates a localizable user communication
The module UserComunication.sys contains the following elements:
A number of predefined values for different messages, questions and help
texts, each defined by a numerical constant, e.g. CONST num
If needed, new values can be added.
However, do not remove or change values, as they are used in the FlexMT
core functionality.
A number of predefined procedures/functions for interacting with the operator:
Checks used language in FlexPendant. If language used for user
text is not the same as FlexPendant language the user texts are
PROC CheckLanguage()
Initiate all messages to default text.
PROC InitMessages()
Show User Message box on FlexPendant and waits for operator
input. Returns TRUE if button “nTRUEButton” is pressed or
FALSE if “nFALSEButton” is pressed. If nMaxTime, diBreakSignal
or doBreakSignal is used and the input messages box breaks on
any of them this function throws an error to the user program to
be handled by user.
FUNC bool isUserIn-
put(num TextNum-
ber,num nTRUEBut-
ton\num nFALSEBut-
ton\icondata icdIcon\num
Returned errors:
ERR_TP_MAXTIME : When max time is reached
ERR_TP_DIBREAK : If Di break signal occurred
ERR_TP_DOBREAK : If Do break signal occurred
NOTE! If ShowInPickMT=TRUE all other arguments except
TextNumber will NOT have any effect
Write error message to FlexPendant event log and PickMT if
wanted. Also set error flag for correct indication at light tower.
Program execution then stops directly, after home run or continue
in user program depending on switch settings.
PROC WriteError(num
TextNumber,bool Show-
InPickMT\switch NoS-
top\switch GoHomeAnd-
TextNumber = Number of text to be shown.
ShowInPickMT = shows error in PickMT too.
NoStop = Robot continue in user program afterwards.
GoHome = Calls user routine “GoHome” to move robot home
before EXIT program.
Write warning message to FlexPendant event log and PickMT if
wanted. Also set warning flag for correct indication at light tower.
Program execution then stops directly, after home run or continue
in user program depending on switch settings.
PROC WriteWarn-
ing(num TextNum-
ber,bool ShowInPick-
MT\switch NoStop\switch
Arguments as in WriteError.
Write information message to FlexPendant event log and PickMT
if wanted. Also set information flag for correct indication at light
tower. Program execution then stops directly, after home run or
continue in user program depending on switch settings.
PROC WriteInforma-
tion(num TextNum-
ber,bool ShowInPick-
MT\switch NoStop\switch
Arguments as in WriteError.
Continues on next page
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5 Robot program
5.7 User messaging
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