background image


























D ぴ⇫◉ㄣ≬㖐䂔㾐ᇬ㢝ℽᇭ㧑℀ᇬ䋿㤦䤓ぴ⇫◉↩㕪咃㎞⮥ᇭ

E ₜ尐⦷㢢䒕䑒䘾⬒᧨㹣Ⱁ⦷㢢䑒㊶䁁⇢ᇬ㺣⇢㒥优⺧ⷧ⦷䤓䘾⬒₼㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ䟄┷ぴ␆ℶ䞮䤓䋺啀♾厌↩ㆤ䑒优⺧㒥㺣⇢ᇭ

F 㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆㢅庆扫䱊⏎䵴✛⛷⦃ⅉ⛧ᇭ位┪ₜ楕₼↩∎㌷⯀♊㘶Ⓟᇭ


D 䟄┷ぴ␆㙡⯃㉔權₝㙡ㄶ◈揜ᇭ⒖▎ⅴ↊⇤㡈㆞㟈┷㙡⯃ᇭ庆▎⺈㘴⦿䟄┷ぴ␆∎䞷↊⇤懻㘴㙡⯃ᇭ㙡⯃㦹兞㟈┷✛∎䞷◈揜䤓


E 庆挎⏜愺⇢㘴屵㘴⦿䤓嫷槱᧨√Ⱁ丰拢ᇬ㟲䍼⣷ᇬ䌘䌅✛Ⓟ⑆⣷ᇭⰑ㨫㌷䤓愺⇢屵⦿᧨↩⬭┯屵䟄䤓歝棸ᇭ

F 庆▎⺕䟄┷ぴ␆㥃槁⦷楷⮸㒥䇽䄎䤓䘾⬒₼ᇭ䟄┷ぴ␆扪㻃⺕⬭┯屵䟄䤓歝棸ᇭ

G 庆▎䅴䞷䟄䄟兎ᇭ⒖▎∎䞷䟄䄟兎㧴㙟㕘㒥㕥㕘䟄┷ぴ␆᧨㒥㕣㘘䟄┷ぴ␆䤓㙡⯃ᇭ∎䟄䄟兎扫䱊䍼ᇬ㽈ᇬ枚Ⓒ䤓扈冧㒥㿊┷


H ⦷㓆⮥㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆㢅᧨庆∎䞷抑⚗ℝ㓆⮥∎䞷䤓ㆅ栎䟄䄟兎ᇭ∎䞷抑⚗ℝ㓆⮥∎䞷䤓䟄䄟兎↩棜⇝屵䟄䤓歝棸ᇭ

I Ⱁ㨫㡯㽤挎⏜⦷䇽䄎䤓⦿㡈㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆᧨庆∎䞷㦘㘴⦿㟔椫㠼恾⣷*)&,≬㔳䤓䟄䄟ᇭ∎䞷*)&,↩棜⇝屵䟄䤓歝棸


D 㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆㢅᧨尐≬㖐巵屘᧨屑⹮㓏扪嫛䤓㝜⇫ㄅⒸ䞷兞洛デ幕ᇭ⦷㌷㎮Ⓙ╂侾㢅ᇬ㦜嗾㒥⠬握⚝㒥劔扪嫛嗾䓸㽊䠦㦮梃᧨庆


E 庆∎䞷₹ⅉ≬㔳孔⮖ᇭ庆₏䦃⇸㓃䧋捷≬㔳孔函ᇭ⦷䦇ㄣ䤓㧰ↅₚ∎䞷≬㔳孔⮖᧤Ⱁ棁⺧槱凸ᇬ棁䅠⸘⏷樚ᇬ⸘⏷ヌ㒥⚻┪≬㔳


F 棁㷱㡯㎞⚾┷䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ⦷扭㘴䟄䄟✛㒥䟄㻯兓ᇬ㟅怆㒥㚻扟年ぴ␆⃚ⓜ᧨庆䫽≬㆏␂⮓ℝ␂桼⇜函ᇭ㚻扟䟄┷ぴ␆㢅⺕㓚㖖㟍


G ⦷㓢㆏䟄┷ぴ␆ⓜ᧨㖎忿㓏㦘庒㠃朴▨㒥㔂㓚ᇭⰑ㨫⺕㔂㓚㒥朴▨拦䟨⦷䟄┷ぴ␆䤓㡚懻捷⒕᧨↩抯㒟ⅉ愺↳⹂ᇭ

H 庆▎恬䱊扖扠ᇭⱚ兗≬㖐抑㇢䤓恬䱊✛㄂嫰ᇭ扨㫆⦷♠䞮㎞⮥㍔⑄㢅♾ⅴ㦃Ⰼ⦿㘶Ⓟ䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ

I 䴎䧏尐抑㇢ᇭ庆▎䴎䧏⹌㨍䤓嫲㦜㒥⇸㓃氥毿ᇭ∎㌷䤓⯃♠ᇬ嫲㦜✛㓚⯦扫䱊㿊┷ↅᇭ⹌㨍䤓嫲㦜ᇬ氥毿㒥栎♠↩嬺㿊┷ↅ冯


J Ⱁ㨫㙟∪ℕ扭㘴棳⺧✛楕⺧幍㡌䤓幍⮖᧨庆䫽≬㷲䫽扭㘴✛∎䞷扨K幍⮖ᇭ∎䞷楕⺧┮厌♾ⅴ棜⇝₝优⺧䦇␂䤓☀⹂ᇭ


D 庆▎㇉Ⓟ∎䞷䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ㫈㗽㌷䤓㍔⑄∎䞷㷲䫽䤓䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ∎䞷㷲䫽䤓䟄┷ぴ␆↩ⅴ␅欬⸩┮䘖ぴ⇫㈦㦃Ⰼ㦃⸘⏷ᇭ

E Ⱁ㨫㦹厌Ⓒ䞷㆏␂㓢㆏✛␂桼䟄┷ぴ␆᧨庆▎∎䞷年䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭₜ厌抩扖㆏␂㘶Ⓟ䤓↊⇤䟄┷ぴ␆掌㢾☀棸䤓᧨㉔權扪嫛冃≽ᇭ

F ⦷䟄┷ぴ␆扪嫛↊⇤庒㠃ᇬ㦃㗱棓ↅ㒥扪嫛≬丰⃚ⓜ᧨庆㠼㆏䟄䄟✛㒥䟄┷ぴ␆ₙ䤓䟄㻯兓ᇭ扨K欓棁⸘⏷㘹㡌↩棜⇝㎞⮥⚾┷


G ⺕梁函䤓䟄┷ぴ␆ⷧ㟍ℝ⏎䵴㘴屵ₜⒿ䤓⇜函᧨ㄅ₣ₜ⏐幇ₜ䐮㌘䟄┷ぴ␆㒥扨K広㢝䤓ⅉ⛧㝜⇫䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ㦹兞⪈帼䤓∎䞷劔


H ≬␊䟄┷ぴ␆ᇭ㭏㩴㿊┷ↅ䤓⋞㉒ㄵ㒥兢⚗䕅⑄ᇬ捷ↅ䤓䫃㗮㍔⑄ⅴ♙♾厌㈀❜䟄┷ぴ␆㝜⇫䤓↊⇤␅Ⅵ㍔⑄ᇭⰑ㦘㗮⧞᧨庆⺕


I 庆≬㖐⒖ⓙぴ␆枚Ⓒᇬ䂔㾐ᇭ兞扖ⰴ⠓≬␊䤓⒖ⓙぴ␆␆㦘枚Ⓒ䤓⒏⒒᧨ₜ㢢◰⇞₣㦃㢢ℝ㘶Ⓟᇭ

J 㫈㗽扨K䞷㽤広㢝㧴∎䞷䟄┷ぴ␆ᇬ棓ↅ✛⒏␆䷘᧨尐劒壠ぴ⇫㧰ↅ✛尐㓶嫛䤓ぴ⇫ᇭ∎䞷䟄┷ぴ␆扪嫛㡯㎞㝜⇫↩抯㒟☀棸㍔






















ವ ♹⏐幇兞扖₢桷帼兒䤓ⅉ⛧㧴冃≽㦻ぴ␆ᇭ

ವ ⦷㝜⇫年ぴ␆䤓㢅⊨᧨Ⱁ㨫㌷㽷㎞Ⓙ↊⇤㆑デ䤓⣹檂㒥劔㖾┷᧨庆䵚☂⋫㷱␅∎䞷᧨ㄅ㭏㩴⚓₹兓ↅ㢾⚵㦘䭷㗮㒥劔㗮⧞ᇭ儯㷲㒥㦃


ವ ⦷∎䞷⃚ⓜ᧨⏗㭏㩴䪣䭷ℶ❐✛揜ↅ㢾⚵㦘㗮⧞ᇭⰑ㨫め♦㗮᧨䞷0♾㙟∪䤓㠿䪣䭷ℶ❐✛揜ↅ扪嫛㦃㗱ᇭ

ವ ♹∎䞷䟀0∪ㄣ㒥㘷嗟䤓揜ↅᇭ


ವ Ⱁ㨫㎮屘愺⇢㓚捷古捷㦘ₜ抑᧨ㄣ㇢䵚☂⋫㷱ぴ⇫᧨♊㻑◊幙㽊ᇭ㓚ᇬ古✛呑捷♦↳♾厌㢾⥯摜⮜䤓ぴ⇫ᇬ┷⇫✛扖ㄵ㖾┷㓏咃ᇭ


ವ ⦷㝜⇫㦻ぴ␆䤓⚛㢅᧨尐₏䦃⇸㓃⚻┪≬㔳孔⮖ᇭ庆挄⸗忄⏻⚇䤓⸘⏷㟎䷥㒥㇢⦿⦌⹅䤓₹ⅉ≬㔳幍⮖尐㻑ᇭ


ವ ₜ尐⦷㢢䒕䑒䘾⬒᧨㹣Ⱁ⦷㢢䑒㊶䁁⇢ᇬ㺣⇢㒥优⺧ⷧ⦷䤓䘾⬒₼㝜⇫㦻ぴ␆ᇭ⦷┯ぴ㧟㠨㢅᧨扨K䪣䭷ℶ❐掌厌⮮ℶ䞮䋺啀᧨⺋咃


ವ 庆㩴梔嬺┯ぴ㧟㠨䤓06'6᧨䫽⸩␅㢾⚵㦘抯㒟䋺䌍㒥劔䒕䍇☀⹂䤓♾厌㊶ᇭ


ವ 㘴屵㒥⛇⏴扨K优⺧↩☀⹂㝜⇫ⅉ⛧₝⛷⦃ⅉ⛧䤓⋴ㅆᇭ庆∎䞷抑㇢䤓₹ⅉ≬㔳孔⮖ᇭ

ವ 㫈㗽㈔┯ぴ㧟㠨06'6䤓屓⸩᧨∎䞷抑㇢䤓✋⛇✛䤽匳≬㔳⣷㧟㒥劔⻏捷㘡㺣ᇭ





ವ 庆▎⺕䟄┷ぴ␆₱⏴⹅ㄼ⨒⧍₼᧝㫈㗽㦘␂ㄮ㆒䟄⣷♙䟄⷟幍⮖䤓㶶㿁㖖ⅳ&(✛䦇ㄣ䤓⦌⹅㽤㈚᧨䞷扖䤓䟄┷ぴ␆㉔權◤


ವ ◤䕻㟅楕䞷扖䤓ℶ❐✛▔孔♾ⅴ⥭㟅Ⓒ䞷㧟㠨ᇭ∎䞷␜䞮㧟㠨㦘┸ℝ棁㷱䘾⬒㻰㩢ㄅ⑞⺠⺈☮㧟㠨䤓榏㻑ᇭ

ವ 㫈㗽㓏㦘抑䞷䤓㽤屓⮓䚕⦷扖䲚₼ℶ䞮䤓⏷捷优⺧ᇭ


ವ ⸘孔䪣䭷ℶ❐✛䪑䬮㢅庆⮩┯⺞㉒᧷挄䏶䞷㽤広㢝ⅴ䫽≬⦷∎䞷ⓜ⺕␅䓱䓱⦿⸘孔Ⓙぴ␆ₙᇭ

ವ ⒖▎∎㦻ぴ␆呹䟀懻┷᧨㒥劔ⅴ␅Ⅵ㡈㆞∎␅ₜ兞㎞⦿⚾┷ᇭ

ವ ⑂ₜ尐∎㦻ぴ␆㖖⚠㌷呹む㒥Ⅵⅉ᧨㒥劔ₜ兞㎞⦿怆┷㦻ぴ␆ᇭ

ವ ₜ尐⺕揜ↅ䤓侶⦉ↅ㕶㈦扖侶ᇭ



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Page 5: ...brasives 3M 2013 3M is a trademark of 3M Company 34 8707 8156 3 3 MANUEL D UTILISATION DE LA PONCEUSE LECTRIQUE ORBITALE MOUVEMENTS AL ATOIRES 127 mm 5 po et 152 mm 6 po 7 000 10 000 tr min ALIMENTATI...

Page 6: pile de l outil lectrique avant d effectuer des r glages de changer d accessoires ou de ranger l outil lectrique Cette mesure pr ventive r duit le risque de d marrage accidentel d Entreposer l outi...

Page 7: ...aspiration centrale 5 po 1 26 55155 55155 paulement aspiration centrale 6 po 1 27 28108 A0022 Cl tampon de 24 mm 1 28 S O S O 1 tampon fourni avec chaque outil 1 29 55134 55134 Protecteur antipoussi r...

Page 8: ...on S assurer que les deux extr mit s du c ble c c sont bien branch es et bien viss es 3 Mettre l interrupteur du bloc d alimentation en position l en marche La DEL DC OK c c ok du bloc d alimentation...

Page 9: ...cation d une utilisation abusive d un manque d entretien raisonnable ou d une cause accidentelle Si un outil s av re d fectueux pendant la p riode de garantie nonc e le seul recours de l utilisateur q...

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Page 12: ...50 6 0 995 2 19 96 6 3 8 225 8 85 70 81 3 22 10 4 1 5 28433 Zentraler Sauger 5 0 3 16 150 6 1 02 2 24 96 6 3 8 225 8 85 72 83 3 33 10 8 1 5 Angegebene Ger uschpegel Messungen wurden gem Norm EN ISO 60...

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Page 19: ...ndi es de umidade gua entrando em uma ferramenta el trica aumentar o risco de choque el trico d N o tracione o fio excessivamente Nunca use o fio para transportar puxar ou desconectar a ferramenta el...

Page 20: ...s locais nacionais para os requisitos de equipamentos de prote o pessoal Para reduzir os riscos associados a inc ndio e explos o N o opere a ferramenta em atmosferas explosivas como na presen a de l q...

Page 21: ...0 3 16 127 5 0 965 2 12 96 6 3 8 214 8 42 68 79 2 48 8 06 1 5 28432 V cuo Central 2 5 3 32 150 6 0 995 2 19 96 6 3 8 225 8 85 70 81 3 22 10 4 1 5 28433 V cuo Central 5 0 3 16 150 6 1 02 2 24 96 6 3 8...

Page 22: ...Figura 2 FUN O DE VELOCIDADE M XIMA A Lixadeira Orbital Aleat ria El trica da 3M tem tr s Velocidades M ximas predefinidas 7 000 9 000 e 10 000 rpm Quando a Lixadeira acionada ap s a Fonte de Aliment...

Page 23: ...brasivas da 3M para obter mais detalhes ou ligue para 1 800 362 3550 3 Abrasive Systems Division 3M Center St Paul MN 55144 1000 www 3M com abrasives 3M 2013 3M uma marca registrada da Empresa 3M 3 PP...

Page 24: ...47 48 06 6 06 6 06 6 W 06 6 W W D E F D E F G H I D E F G H I J D E F G H I J W 0 0 IW P PP W 0 0 0 06 6 06 6 W MSDS...

Page 25: ...P PP 2 LQ LQ 0 530 PP FP 0 530 PP FP LQ LQ LQ LQ FP FP PP PP 2 PP PP 0 0 0 0 0 0 FP FP LQ PP LQ IW LQ PP LQ 2 38 39 52 22 37 1 2 3 24 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 32 33 25 26 28...

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Page 27: ...6 5R V 0 0 0 6 HW DSSDUHLO QXP ULTXH GH OD FODVVH HVW FRQIRUPH OD QRUPH 10 GX DQDGD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Abrasive Systems Division 3M Center St Paul MN 55144 1000 www 3M com abrasives 3M...

Page 28: ...Name 34870781563 indd Structure SS 16312 Date 10 10 13 Printed Colors Front Printed Colors Back Match Colors This artwork has been created as requested by 3M 3M is responsible for the artwork AS APPRO...
