2. Getting Started
The Feature connector signals come directly from the VGA controller and consist of the
same signals that are fed to the RAMDAC for producing the analog display. This data is
fed at the pixel clock rate of the VGA controller. Depending on the graphics mode used,
this can range from 12 to 28 MHz for standard VGA modes and up to 108 MHz for
higher resolution SVGA modes. The Feature connector's useable upper limit is
approximately 40 MHz, which corresponds to a maximum resolution of 800 x 600.
Because the Feature data can be at such a high clock rate, you must be careful when
cabling to the connector. As with any high speed data cable, pay careful attention to
noise reduction. Standard 28 gauge unshielded flat cable will work fine for short
distances but at longer lengths noise will begin to degrade the system and cause pixel
streaking. Shielded cable can be used for applications that require longer distances.
The ZT 6631 is designed to plug into a CompactPCI card cage. Steps for installing the
ZT 6631 board are as follows:
1. Turn off the power to the CompactPCI card cage.
2. Place the ZT 6631 into the card cage.
3. Push down on the ZT 6631 until the connectors seat.
4. Connect the monitor to the 15-pin D VGA connector found on the ZT 6631.
5. Power up the system.
Since the ZT 6631 uses the PCI bus, which has been designed to support automatic
configuration, there are no jumper options for the board.
The standard VGA modes work fine for most applications; however, you may install
additional drivers and utilities to increase the performance and resolution of specific
software packages such as Microsoft Windows
3.x and IBM OS/2™.
Several disks containing drivers and utilities are included with the ZT 6631. Installation
programs are provided on each disk to facilitate the easy installation of these drivers
and utilities. The installation programs are self contained and guide the user through the
installation procedure.
It is important to note that some display drivers need to have the associated vendor's
application program already installed on the system prior to loading the ZT 6631 display
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