8. Lotus 1-2-3 Display Drivers
LOTUS 1-2-3 V3.X
To install a Lotus 3.0 or 3.1 display driver, proceed as follows:
1. It is assumed that Lotus 1-2-3 v3.0 or 3.1 is already installed on your hard disk,
using the standard Lotus installation utility. To install this driver, make the directory
containing 1-2-3 v3.0 the current directory. For example, if 1-2-3 is in the directory
named 123R3, then type the following command:
CD \123R3[Enter]
2. One of the files used in the driver installation is named INSTALL.DDF. This is a text
file used by the 1-2-3 installation utility, containing information on each of the drivers
and modes of operation. If you have been using a driver supplied with another
graphics adapter, you may want to make a backup copy of the INSTALL.DDF file
currently in your 1-2-3 directory:
3. Run the installation program (INSTALL.EXE). Choose the option for the version of
Lotus 1-2-3 you are using and specify the drive and directory to which you want
them copied (such as C:\123R3). If the INSTALL.DDF was copied to a backup file
(see step 2 above), answer YES to the prompt to confirm overwriting the file.
4. Now run the Lotus installation utility by typing:
5. Select Change selected equipment from the list.
If you are currently using another driver supplied with a graphics board, it may
be necessary to choose First-time installation.
6. Select Modify Current DCF, or Choose Another DCF to modify, according to your
preference. The following procedure is valid for either selection.
7. Select Change Video Display. This presents you with a list of all the display types
provided with the 1-2-3 distribution, with two additional choices. GD543X 100
Column Display (800x600 resolution) supports 100x31, 100x42, and 100x75 16
color modes. GD543X 128 Column Display (1024x768 resolution) supports 128x40,
128x54, and 128x96 16 color modes. Select a resolution that best meets your
8. After your selection is made, choose the Save Changes option from the menu. Note
that when some high-resolution modes are selected, a message may appear asking
for the drive letter of the floppy disk. Before entering the drive letter, insert requested
disk in the floppy drive. Then enter the drive letter of that disk.
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