Topics covered in this section include Windows 3.1 driver installation, reconfiguring
Windows 3.1, and Display Power Manager for Windows 3.1, a mechanism to control the
amount of power used by a computer monitor.
The Windows 3.1 driver installation utility copies all of the graphics driver and utility files
to your hard disk. It also allows you to:
Configure your graphics system for Windows 3.1 in either DOS or OS/2 v2.1
Set the monitor refresh rates
Change the monitor resolution
Specify the number of available colors
Select large or normal size fonts
Configure font cache size
After you select new options, you can do either of the following:
Restart Windows (the new configuration will take effect immediately)
Continue working in the current resolution (the new resolution will take effect the
next time Windows is started)
In some configurations the AUTOEXEC.BAT file needs to be modified to make the
changes permanent.
Using Install
To run the installation program:
1. Start Windows 3.1.
2. Insert the floppy labeled "Windows 3.1 Display Drivers and Utilities" into your floppy
disk drive.
3. From the Windows Program Manager select Run from the File menu.
4. Type the letter of the floppy drive that the driver disk is in, followed by the word
install. For instance, if the driver disk is in drive A:, type A:\INSTALL.EXE.
5. Click the OK button.
6. In the first dialog box displayed, you can set the path in which you want the utility
programs installed.
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