12. Microsoft Windows 3.1
1. Using the Windows Control Panel, select Desktop.
2. In the group Screen Saver within the Desktop dialog box, select the Screen Saver
named Display Power Manager.
3. Select the desired delay before entering a power saving mode.
Select Setup to further configure the power saving options. The following sections
describe these options. For further information on setting up Windows screen savers,
please refer to the Windows User Guide.
Special Considerations
Some of the power saving modes are intended for specific display types, so not all of
them are available on all video controllers. On some controllers, only the animated logo
will be available.
For the power saving modes to have any effect beyond just blanking the screen, the
monitor being used must have specific power saving features.
Note that if the screen saver is in any of the power saving modes, moving the mouse
will not wake it up. This is different from normal screen savers and is used to keep the
monitor from waking up because slight bumping. This is especially important if the
password option is enabled. When the password dialog box pops up, it stays there until
the user turns it off. This is a limitation of the Windows 3.1 screen saver interface.
Using the Screen Saver
When the screen saver is started, it will initially display a bouncing logo on a black
background. To enable additional levels of power savings, select them from the Screen
Saver Mode section of the Setup dialog box.
Screen Saver Mode
The Screen Saver Mode section has four check boxes in it. They are:
The screen saver detects the type of graphics controller that is being used and the
types of power savings of which it is capable.
If the text immediately to the right of any of the check boxes is gray, that option is not
available. If a power saving mode is available, then the text immediately to the right of
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