2. Getting Started
drivers. In other cases, the loading of the display driver may be an integral part of the
vendor's product installation process.
DOS Drivers and Utilities
Run the installation utility for the "DOS Drivers and Utilities disk (disk 1)" by first
inserting the disk into the A: drive and then typing:
Follow the instructions on the screen to install the listed display drivers. You may press
[Esc] at any time to abort the installation process and go back to DOS. Selected drivers
are simply copied to the specified disk and directory. See Chapter 4, "
," for
additional installation details.
Windows Drivers and Utilities
To run the installation program, start Windows 3.1. Insert the disk labeled "Windows 3.1
Display Drivers and Utilities" into your floppy disk drive. From the Windows Program
Manager, select
Run from the File menu. Type the letter of the floppy drive that the
driver disk is in, followed by the word
install. For instance, if the driver disk is in drive A:,
Click on the OK button. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the installation. See
Chapter 4, "
," for additional installation details.
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