7. Autodesk - ADI 4.2 Display Drivers
4. Select a Render Hard Copy Device. If you are using a render hard copy device,
select your device type from the list of choices. If you are not using a hard copy
device, accept the default of NULL.
After configuring AVE Render, return to the drawing and render it.
AVE Render Reconfiguration
If you have previously configured AVE Render, type
at the AutoCAD
command prompt to manually display the Render Configuration menu. Follow these
steps to re-configure AVE Render.
1. Select option 2, Configure Rendering Device to choose a new rendering driver.
to the Select Different Rendering Device question.
2. Select option 1, P386 Combined Display/Rendering Driver. The TurboDLD
configuration program appears on the screen.
3. Configure the rendering graphics board and resolution.
a. Press the
key to continue past the help screen and display the
Rendering Configuration menu.
b. Choose Select Graphics Board/Resolution to display graphics board and
resolution menu selections.
c. Choose Select Render Graphics Board to select the graphics board to be used
for rendering.
d. Choose Select Render Resolution to select the desired rendering resolution
from the list of available choices.
e. Select Return to Previous Menu and then Save and Exit.
4. Select the rendering mode for TurboDLD
Classic. Select either Render to Viewport
or Render to Screen, depending on how you wish to view your renderings. Note
that in order to render to a viewport you must be using a Display resolution with at
least 256 colors. Otherwise, AVE Render does not allow a render to viewport
5. Select Exit to the Drawing Editor from the Render Configuration menu and then
to keep the changes you've just made. Press the
key to change to
the graphics screen if necessary.
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