TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
Min (1% - 33%); Med (34% - 67%); Max (68% - 100%)”
The value 0% does not correspond to any level, but to the Off/Auto state.
If Off/Auto is disabled
Min (0% - 50%); Max (51% - 100%)”,
Min (0% - 33%); Med (34% - 67%); Max (68% - 100%)”.
: sets the indicator representation. The options are:
“Permanent”, “Temporary”, “Intermittent” and “Progressive”.
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Every
indicator is configured separately” in “
Indicator representation
” (see
Object to show/hide indicator
: enables or disables a one-bit object (“
[x] Show/Hide indicator
”) to show or hide the indicator (1 = Show indicator;
0 = Hide indicator).
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Enable the
option in every box” in “
Object to show/hide the indicator
” (see 2.4.1).
[Climate] On/Off + Mode + Status
Figure 66
Display indicator – [Climate] On/Off + Mode + Status.
The icon to be represented depends on the value of three one-bit objects: “[Disp]
[x] (Climate) On/Off”, “[Disp] [x] (Climate) On/Off - Mode” and “[Disp] [x]
(Climate) On/Off - Status”:
“[Disp] [x] (Climate) On/Off” = 0
: no icon is represented.
“[Disp] [x] (Climate) On/Off” = 1 and “[Disp] [x] (Climate) On/Off -
Status” = 0
, it means that the climate system is on but stopped. The icon
represented will depend on the mode selected through “
[Disp] [x]
(Climate) On/Off - Mode
” (1 = Heat or 0 = Cool). The representation type
will be Permanent.