TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
Figure 53
Display - Configuration - Advanced options.
Border lines
: lets selecting how the box border lines will be represented:
Solid line in every border,
Invisible line in every border,
Broken line in every border,
Customize every border.
In case of selecting “Customize every border”, an independent tab appears
under Display to configure each box border line (see section 2.4.4).
Indicator representation
: defines the representation of the indicators on the
display. The available options are:
All indicators are type “permanent”,
Every indicator is configured separately.
In case of selecting “Every indicator is configured separately”, there will be a
specific parameter for every box to select the desired indicator
Object to show/hide the indicator
: shows or hides a parameter in the
configuration screen of each box to let the integrator add the project a one-bit
object per box to show or hide its indicator in runtime.
Not needed,
Enable the option in every box.