TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Enable the
option in every box” in “
Object to show/hide the indicator
” (see
Time of day
Figure 60
Display indicator – Time of day.
Once the device starts, the time should be updated by an external clock through the
[General] Time of day
” three-byte communication object.
Font size
: sets the font size of the time label. The options are: “Small”, “Big”
and “Extra”.
: sets the representation type. The options are: “Permanent”,
“Temporary”, “Intermittent” and “Progressive”.
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Every
indicator is configured separately” in “
Indicator representation
” (see 2.4.1).
Object to show/hide indicator
: enables or disables a 1 bit object (“
[x] Show/Hide indicator
”) to show or hide the indicator (1 = Show indicator;
0 = Hide indicator).
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Enable the
option in every box” in “
Object to show/hide the indicator
” (see 2.4.1).
Text from object
Figure 61
Display indicator – Text from object.