TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
Object to show/hide indicator
: enables or disables a one-bit object (“
[x] Show/Hide indicator
”) to show or hide the indicator (1 = Show indicator;
0 = Hide indicator).
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Enable the
option in every box” in “
Object to show/hide the indicator
” (see
[Climate] Mode
Figure 63
Display indicator – [Climate] Mode – Heat/Cool.
The climate mode needs to be updated through the “
[Disp] [x] (Climate) Mode
” one-
bit object or the “
[Disp] [x] (Climate) Mode - Extended
” one-byte object, depending
on the following parameterisation:
Mode Type
: sets whether only the Heat and Cool modes should be
represented (“Heat/Cool”) or up to five HVAC modes (“Extended”).
“Heat/Cool”: the icon (Heat or Cool) will depend on the value of the “
[x] (Climate) Mode
” one-bit object.
“Extended”: the icon represented will depend on the value of the “
[x] (Climate) Mode - Extended
” one-byte object. When selecting this
type, five checkboxes appear to select which HVAC modes should be
available (“Auto”, “Heat”, “Cool”, “Fan” and “Dry”, as shown in Figure 64).
Figure 64
Display indicator – [Climate] Mode – Mode Type: Extended.