TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
Figure 33
Pair Buttons – Scaling.
: assigns each of the two buttons the order to be sent:
“Left=Decrease; Right=Increase”.
“Left=Increase; Right=Decrease”.
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Every button
pair is configured separately” in
Action of the pair buttons
Minimum Value
: sets which value from the available range will be the
minimum value permitted by the control. The available range is 0-100.
Maximum Value
: sets which value from the available range will be the
maximum value permitted by the control after. The available range is 0-100.
Increment (Short)
: sets the increase or decrease to be applied to the current
value on every short press over the increase or decrease buttons,
respectively (i.e., the smaller the increment, the more presses will be
required). The available range is 0-100.
Increment (Long)
: sets the increase or decrease to be applied to the current
value on every long press over the increase or decrease buttons, respectively
(i.e., the smaller the increment, the more presses will be required). The
available range is 0-100.