TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
the default button beeps. On the other hand, customising the button, doorbell and
alarm sounds involves a set of parameters, as explained next.
In case the default button beep sound matches the requirements of the installation and
the doorbell and alarm functions are not necessary, the “
” parameter in the
tab (see section 2.2.1) can be set to “Default”. This will also
imply that the button beeps will be unconditional, as it will not be possible to disable
this function through an object.
On the other hand, if set to “Custom”, a specific tab named “
” will show up in
the tab tree on the left. The initial configuration of this screen is equivalent to the
aforementioned default option. However, the following parameters will be configurable.
Figure 10
General – Sounds.
Disable button sound
: enables or disables the button and action beeps. If
enabled (default option) the following parameters will also be available:
Enable / Disable button sounds through a 1-bit object
: makes it
possible to disable / resume the button beeping function in runtime by
writing to a specific object (“
[General] Sounds – Disabling button
The values (0 or 1) that will disable / resume it are parameterisable
through “
Button sound after ETS Download
: sets whether the button beeping
function should start up enabled (default option) or disabled after an ETS
download. This makes sense if the “
Enable/Disable Button Sounds
Using 1-Bit Object
” checkbox (see below) is enabled too.