TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
This function permits showing the user a welcome message of up to four lines of text
on the display, each of which can be object-dependant or set in parameters.
When a “1” is received through the welcome greeting one-bit object, the display will
become blank and show the welcome text. The same will happen if any of the 14-byte
objects that define the text lines receives a new value from the bus.
It is also possible to make the button LEDs flash during the welcome state.
After enabling “
Welcome greeting
” (section 2.2.6), a new tab will be incorporated into
the tab tree. A one-bit object named “
[General] Welcome Greeting
” will also be shown
in the project topology, to trigger the welcome message by sending the value “1”.
This screen (Figure 18) contains the following parameters:
Line X
: sets whether the corresponding text line will be pre-defined (“Fixed”)
or object-dependent (“Received form text object”).
If “Fixed” is selected, the following parameter will appear:
: textbox to enter the desired text for the corresponding line.
The 14-byte object “
[General] Welcome Greeting – Line X
” will be shown
up to four times, depending on how many text lines have been assigned the
option “Received from text object”.
Flashing LEDs during welcome status
: sets whether the LEDs of the
buttons should blink or not during the welcome greeting.