Overview 2
Elite-RS Panel Installation Manual
VF3529-00, Revision E01.03
Models of the H-Series Elite-RS Panel support SLC devices using Hochiki protocol. The standard model of the
Elite-RS Panel contains one SLC loop and may be expanded to include a second SLC Loop. The Elite-RS Panel
supports the networking flexibility of either the eNet or the VESNet. In either networking scenario signals for all
network nodes are transmitted through a single dialer.
VESNet networking is a proprietary and secure protocol for linking communication between control panels.
The VESNet uses embedded communication-cards to provide networking. Obtain the VESNet connection at jack J3
of these communication-cards.
The eNet provides a secure networking architecture, between control panels. Up to 64 Elite-RS Panels can be
connected together on the eNet.
In either networking scenario; Elite-RS Panels also supports Remote LCD Annunciators and Graphic Annunciators.
Annunciators (repeater panels) and graphical annunciators are fully supported in multiple or single quantities through
standard communication bus included with the panel.
The Elite-RS Panel can be equipped with an industry standard digital communicator capable of transmitting both SIA
and Contact ID formats. Configurations can be performed through VES Loop Explorer, eSP Discovery or through the
use of the front-panel soft-keys.
Configuring with the front-panel soft-keys of the Elite-RS provides limited functionality. VES recommends
configuring with Loop Explorer or esP Discovery for a complete range of programming features.
VESNet networking and panel programming are performed through eSP Discovery.
The eSP Discovery application is a web based configuration utility for control panels that provides programming for
communication, SLC devices, notification appliances and initiation devices. Configure parameters for these attributes
on the web and then download them to the Elite-RS Panel through the telephone connection to the dialer or locally
through Transfer Agent.
The Loop Explorer application is a configuration utility for control panels that provides programming for
communication, SLC devices, notification appliances and initiation devices. Configure parameters for these attributes
remotely or on-site and then download them to the Elite-RS Panel through the serial port of your laptop or through a
telephone connection to the dialer.
Points and Addresses
Points and addresses are fundamental to the operation of Elite-RS monitoring and reporting. Devices are identified as
points when connected to the Elite-RS Panel. Each Elite-RS Panel supports a maximum of 127 points per loop plus
subpoints on any module or 252 points per loop when utilizing subpoints. The 1 and 2 loop Elite-RS Panel supports a
maximum of 800 devices per panel.
All Elite-RS Panels support a point and subpoint maximum of 800 addresses per panel.
Zone Capability
Zones are groups containing combinations of control panel input, output and addressable loop devices.
The Elite-RS Panel supports 500 zones across the network.
Section 2