UBI EasyCoder 71 – Programming
General Information
The EasyCoder 71 is provided with a built-in control program by
which you can use any computer or terminal, that can produce
ASCII characters, to control the printer. This is a useful alternative
to the Windows Driver, which requires a PC operating under
Microsoft Windows.
With this control program, you can use any editor to program the
EasyCoder 71, either by means of the serial RS 232C channel or the
parallel Centronics channel.
The remaining part of the manual will assist you in designing labels
using the EasyCoder 71 programming software. It has been organ-
ized to provide you with an understanding of the printer’s functions
and command structure. It is recommended that you read it in the
order presented.
If you have any questions regarding the product or this manual,
please contact your distributor for technical assistance.
Dump Mode
The printer has the capability to perform in dump mode, which
means that the printer will print out the echo of the received ASCII.
Use this capability to debug your software when the printer does not
perform as you expect.
To enter Dump Mode:
• Turn OFF the power to the printer.
• Hold down the Feed key and turn On the power again.
• Hold the Feed key until the printer starts to feed. Then immedi-
ately release the Feed key (else, you will Enter the Test Mode, see
page 11).
• When an error occurs and the control lamp shines orange, you can
also enter the Dump Mode by pressing the Feed key and keep it
depressed a few seconds (as opposed to tapping the key, which
just resets the printer).
• The output is the same label as produced in the Test Mode or by
means of a U command, but an extra line will be appended saying
“now in DUMP MODE”. Then the printer waits for ASCII dump
• Send a string of characters or a label form to the printer and tap the
Feed key to produce a printout. Dump mode will also print control
• To return to normal mode, press the Feed key. A label with the
message “out of DUMP MODE” will be printed.
If problems occur when using the Dump
Mode from Windows Terminal, it may
help setting “Flowcontrol” to “None”.