EasyCoder 71 is fitted with a 36-p female Centronics connector for
the parallel interface port and a DB9 female connector for the RS
232C serial interface port. You can use either of these ports.
If you intend to use the Windows Driver (see pages 13–18), choose
the parallel Centronics interface, which has DSTB to printer and
BUSY to host handshake signals.
The parallel interface can also be used for programming the printer
by means of the control program described later in this manual.
However, prompts and other information from printer to host
cannot be transmitted, since the parallel interface is one-way only.
The serial RS 232C channel can be used to run the control program
described later, but is not suited for the Windows Driver.
The RS 232C communication setup is variable by means of the Y
command (see page 41). Use the Test Mode (see page 11) to check
the printer's present setup (bold letters indicate default setup).
Baud rate .......... :
1200, 2400, 9600, or 19200
Parity ................ :
None, Odd, or None
Data bits ........... :
7 or 8
Stop bits ............ :
1 or 2
Flow control ..... :
With the exception of EasyPak 71, no communication cables are
included in the delivery unless specifically ordered. For pin out
specifications, please refer to Appendix 1.
UBI EasyCoder 71 – Installation Instructions
Centronics Parallel
0 I
RS 232C
RS 232C Serial Interface