7.1 General information
Maintenance is a set of periodic and predefined operations
aimed at maintaining the machine functionality in all its aspects
as a result of intrinsic wear and use.
The routine maintenance operations are described below. It
should be remembered that the lower operating cost and a long
life of the machine depend on the continuous observance of
what is reported in this manual.
For extraordinary maintenance operations, not included
in this manual, contact the Manufacturer.
The thermodisinfector maintenance operations must be
carried out with the machine completely switched off.
The operator engaged in this type of intervention must wear
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and must be sure that
no other unauthorised person is present in the operating area
of the machine.
Before maintenance, start a program to disinfect the washing
Maintenance request
After a certain time or a certain number of operating hours, the
display shows «MAINTENANCE». This signal has no influence
on the machine operation.
7.1.1 Routine maintenance
Routine maintenance includes all those jobs needed to keep
the machine clean and functioning. These jobs must be carried
out regularly or when necessary and the user is responsible for
verifying their regularity.