ConnectMe Tunstall Vi+ Installation and Programming Manual
Alarm control by time
This feature allows specific events to be inhibited by the Tunstall home unit outside a
specific time period. This is only relevant to a small number of events, for example,
when monitoring room temperatures you may wish to ignore temperatures below the
threshold during the night when the resident is likely to be in bed.
The feature can be setup using the Time Window icon in PC Connect.. It is possible
to set the start and end times when the alarms will be enabled. Outside these times
the particular alarm event will be inhibited depending upon the action selected.
Block event alarms outside window - The unit will not dial the monitoring
centre but the unit will still activate the relay or X10 output if configured.
Discard complete event outside window - The alarm and any output action will
not function
Times when voice announcer messages are played
Voice announcer messages are spoken prompts triggered by an event e.g. a user
opening the front door and a message been played reminding them to lock the door if
they leave the property.
When messages are played can be controlled by the ‘Time
when Voice Announcer messages
are Played’ window shown below.