ConnectMe Tunstall Vi+ Installation and Programming Manual
Configuring the ADLife Parameter
a. Click on the ADLife Configuration icon (on the main PC Connect screen)
which will open the ADLife Configuration screen.
b. Tick the Enable ADLife box
c. Enter the ADLife ID (supplied by Tunstall)
d. Enter the time at which the ADLife data will be sent to the PNC5/6
monitoring centre. This is recommended to be between 03:00 and 04:00
(24 hour format)
e. Enter the randomise send time. This programs the unit to send its data
+/- 0, 1 or 2 hours from the actual send time previously set.
f. Click OK to confirm the changes
g. Set the correct time/date on the unit using the Time and Date icon (on the
main PC Connect screen)
Click Write, then either ‘Write only modified parameters’ or ‘Write all
parameters except date and time’.
4. Completing the ADLife installation
a. Use the quick code (6550) to clean out any ADLife data from the unit. This
will remove any data collected as a result of testing sensors etc.. The unit
will send ADLife data (within the time window specified by Parameter 94)
which can be viewed the next day on the ADLife Server.
b. Test the setup
– a quick code (6551) is available to force the unit to make
an ADLife data call immediately. The data will be presented on the
ADLife website within 5 minutes. If the data doesn’t appear check that the
installation and configuration process has been followed correctly.