ConnectMe Tunstall Vi+ Installation and Programming Manual
Ambient Temperature Sensor
The Tunstall Vi+ home unit has an integral temperature sensor that can monitor the
environmental temperature in the room where the Tunstall home unit is placed. By
default the temperature monitoring feature is disabled. This can be enabled using PC
Connect. When enabled it is important to position the Tunstall Vi+ in a place that is
likely to provide a representative temperature of the home environment. Locations
that are likely to be in direct sunlight, draughty, close to windows/doors or close to
heating/cooling appliances (radiators, ovens, air conditioning etc.) should be avoided.
The temperature feature is located under the Inactivity/Temp icon. Then choose the
Temperature tab.
The minimum and maximum temperature can be set in the 2 boxes shown on the
screen above. The night time suppression check box stops alarms been raised
during night time hours. These are set under the Time Window function.
The status section shows the last measured temperature, this will be the temperature
when PC Connect was connected. The Min and Max temperature are the extremes
the Tunstall home unit has measured. When temperature monitoring is first enabled
these values will be blank.
To avoid false calls when first installing the unit (Power up inhibit period), there is a 1
hour delay that provides sufficient time for the home unit to adjust to the local
ambient temperature.
When an alert threshold is raised, the temperature must go 1°C under/over the
threshold for at least 1 minute before another alarm is generated. The number of
events allowed for low and high alerts is also restricted to 1 every 24 hours for each
The ambient temperature sensor is not designed to monitor for temperatures related to fire etc.
The sensor should only be used as an early warning of ambient temperatures that may be
uncomfortably low or high for the user.