Figure SNTP is configured
Now the message has a standard time stamp.
Configuring Syslog on the switch
Configuring on the switch is rather simple. First, select the necessary events in the
Events → Event List tab. For example, we are interested in the link change event.
Figure Select the event
Then go to the Events → Syslog Settings tab and enable the Syslog protocol and set
the IP address of the server to which messages will be sent.
Figure Configuring Syslog
Getting Syslog messages
After configuring the switch, proceed to configure the server.
Let's consider an example for Windows OS. There are a lot of programs for working
with syslog-messages, such as:
Kiwi Syslog
Syslog Watcher
Datagram SyslogServer Suite
Syslog Server Free Tool
Let's choose Kiwi Log Viewer. This is a free simplified version of Kiwi Syslog
Server. Nevertheless, it is fit for purpose in our case.
Download address is
The installation of the program is rather simple. The main thing is to choose
"Install as Service" in the "Choose Operating Mode" window (in this case, Kiwi
Syslog will be installed as a service: it will start as the OS starts and will reside in the