Embedded Flash memory interface
DocID018909 Rev 11
Programming user option bytes
To run any operation on this sector, the option lock bit (OPTLOCK) in the Flash option
control register (FLASH_OPTCR) must be cleared. To be allowed to clear this bit, you have
to perform the following sequence:
Write OPTKEY1 = 0x0819 2A3B in the Flash option key register (FLASH_OPTKEYR)
2. Write OPTKEY2 = 0x4C5D 6E7F in the Flash option key register (FLASH_OPTKEYR)
The user option bytes can be protected against unwanted erase/program operations by
setting the OPTLOCK bit by software.
Modifying user option bytes on STM32F405xx/07xx and STM32F415xx/17xx
To modify the user option value, follow the sequence below:
Check that no Flash memory operation is ongoing by checking the BSY bit in the
FLASH_SR register
2. Write the desired option value in the FLASH_OPTCR register.
3. Set the option start bit (OPTSTRT) in the FLASH_OPTCR register
4. Wait for the BSY bit to be cleared.
The value of an option is automatically modified by first erasing the user configuration sector
and then programming all the option bytes with the values contained in the FLASH_OPTCR
Modifying user option bytes on STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx
The user option bytes for bank 1 and bank 2 cannot be modified independently. They must
be updated concurrently.
To modify the user option byte value, follow the sequence below:
Check that no Flash memory operation is ongoing by checking the BSY bit in the
FLASH_SR register
2. Write the bank 2 option byte value in the FLASH_OPTCR1 register
3. Write the bank 1 option byte value in the FLASH_OPTCR register.
4. Set the option start bit (OPTSTRT) in the FLASH_OPTCR register
5. Wait for the BSY bit to be cleared
Option bytes (word, address 0x1FFE C008)
Bit 15:12
0xF: not used
: Flash memory write protection option bytes for bank 2. Sectors 12 to 23 can be write
Bits 11: 0
If SPRMOD is reset (default value):
0: Write protection active on sector i.
1: Write protection not active on sector i.
If SPRMOD is set (active):
0: PCROP protection not active on sector i.
1: PCROP protection active on sector i.
Table 16. Description of the option bytes
(STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx) (continued)