DocID018909 Rev 11
USB on-the-go high-speed (OTG_HS)
Bit 7
Global OUT NAK effective
Indicates that the Set global OUT NAK bit in the Device control register (SGONAK bit in
OTG_HS_DCTL), set by the application, has taken effect in the core. This bit can be cleared
by writing the Clear global OUT NAK bit in the Device control register (CGONAK bit in
Note: Only accessible in peripheral mode.
Bit 6
Global IN nonperiodic NAK effective
Indicates that the Set global nonperiodic IN NAK bit in the Device control register (SGINAK
bit in OTG_HS_DCTL), set by the application, has taken effect in the core. That is, the core
has sampled the Global IN NAK bit set by the application. This bit can be cleared by clearing
the Clear global nonperiodic IN NAK bit in the Device control register (CGINAK bit in
This interrupt does not necessarily mean that a NAK handshake is sent out on the USB. The
STALL bit takes precedence over the NAK bit.
Note: Only accessible in peripheral mode.
Bit 5
Nonperiodic TxFIFO empty
This interrupt is asserted when the nonperiodic TxFIFO is either half or completely empty,
and there is space in at least one entry to be written to the nonperiodic transmit request
queue. The half or completely empty status is determined by the nonperiodic TxFIFO empty
level bit in the OTG_HS_GAHBCFG register (TXFELVL bit in OTG_HS_GAHBCFG).
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bit 4
RxFIFO nonempty
Indicates that there is at least one packet pending to be read from the RxFIFO.
Note: Accessible in both host and peripheral modes.
Bit 3
Start of frame
In host mode, the core sets this bit to indicate that an SOF (FS), or Keep-Alive (LS) is
transmitted on the USB. The application must write a 1 to this bit to clear the interrupt.
In peripheral mode, in the core sets this bit to indicate that an SOF token has been received
on the USB. The application can read the Device Status register to get the current frame
number. This interrupt is seen only when the core is operating in FS.
Note: Accessible in both host and peripheral modes.
Bit 2
OTG interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate an OTG protocol event. The application must read the OTG
Interrupt Status (OTG_HS_GOTGINT) register to determine the exact event that caused this
interrupt. The application must clear the appropriate status bit in the OTG_HS_GOTGINT
register to clear this bit.
Note: Accessible in both host and peripheral modes.
Bit 1
Mode mismatch interrupt
The core sets this bit when the application is trying to access:
A host mode register, when the core is operating in peripheral mode
A peripheral mode register, when the core is operating in host mode
The register access is completed on the AHB with an OKAY response, but is ignored by the
core internally and does not affect the operation of the core.
Note: Accessible in both host and peripheral modes.
Bit 0
Current mode of operation
Indicates the current mode.
0: Peripheral mode
1: Host mode
Note: Accessible in both host and peripheral modes.