DocID018909 Rev 11
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
a given time). In this case, the delay becomes the sampling time + 2 ADC clock cycles. For
instance, if DELAY = 5 clock cycles and the sampling takes 15 clock cycles on the three
ADCs, then 17 clock cycles will separate the conversions on ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3).
If the CONT bit is set on ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3, the selected regular channels of all ADCs
are continuously converted.
If the conversion sequence is interrupted (for instance when DMA end of transfer occurs),
the multi-ADC sequencer must be reset by configuring it in independent mode first (bits
DUAL[4:0] = 00000) before reprogramming the interleaved mode.
In this mode a DMA request is generated each time 2 data items are available, (if the
DMA[1:0] bits in the ADC_CCR register are equal to 0b10). The request first transfers the
first converted data stored in the lower half-word of the ADC_CDR 32-bit register to SRAM,
then it transfers the second converted data stored in ADC_CDR’s upper half-word to SRAM.
The sequence is the following:
1st request: ADC_CDR[31:0] = ADC2_DR[15:0] | ADC1_DR[15:0]
2nd request: ADC_CDR[31:0] = ADC1_DR[15:0] | ADC3_DR[15:0]
3rd request: ADC_CDR[31:0] = ADC3_DR[15:0] | ADC2_DR[15:0]
4th request: ADC_CDR[31:0] = ADC2_DR[15:0] | ADC1_DR[15:0], ...
Figure 57. Interleaved mode on 1 channel in continuous conversion mode: triple ADC
13.9.4 Alternate
This mode can be started only on an injected group. The source of external trigger comes
from the injected group multiplexer of ADC1.
Regular conversions can be enabled on one or all ADCs. In this case the regular
conversions are independent of each other. A regular conversion is interrupted when the