DocID018909 Rev 11
Serial audio interface (SAI)
Bit 15 Reserved, always read as 0.
Bits 14:8
: Frame synchronization active level length. These bits are set and cleared by software
The value set in these bits specifies the length in number of bit clock (SCK) + 1 (FSALL[6:0] + 1) of
the active level of the FS signal in the audio frame
These bits have no meaning and are not used in AC’97 audio block configuration.
These bits must be configured when the audio block is disabled.
Bits 7:0
: Frame length. These bits are set and cleared by software.
They define the length of the audio frame. More precisely, these bits define the number of SCK
clocks for each audio frame.
The number of bits in the frame is equal to FRL[7:0] + 1.
The minimum number of bits to transfer in an audio frame has to be equal to 8 or else the audio
block will have unexpected behavior. This is the case when the data size is 8-bit and only one slot 0
is defined in NBSLOT[4:0] in the SAI_ASLOTR register (NBSLOT[3:0] = 0000).
In master mode, if the master clock MCLK_x pin is declared as an output, the frame length should
be aligned to a number equal to a power of 2, from 8 to 256 in order to keep in an audio frame, an
integer number of MCLK pulses by bit clock for correct operation for external DAC/ADC inside the
The Frame length should be even.
These bits have no meaning and are not used in AC’97 audio block configuration.