DocID018909 Rev 11
DMA controller (DMA)
Bit 20 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 19
: Current target (only in double buffer mode)
This bits is set and cleared by hardware. It can also be written by software.
0: The current target memory is Memory 0 (addressed by the DMA_SxM0AR pointer)
1: The current target memory is Memory 1 (addressed by the DMA_SxM1AR pointer)
This bit can be written only if EN is ‘0’ to indicate the target memory area of the first transfer.
Once the stream is enabled, this bit operates as a status flag indicating which memory area
is the current target.
Bit 18
: Double buffer mode
This bits is set and cleared by software.
0: No buffer switching at the end of transfer
1: Memory target switched at the end of the DMA transfer
This bit is protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
Bits 17:16
: Priority level
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: Low
01: Medium
10: High
11: Very high
These bits are protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
Bit 15
: Peripheral increment offset size
This bit is set and cleared by software
0: The offset size for the peripheral address calculation is linked to the PSIZE
1: The offset size for the peripheral address calculation is fixed to 4 (32-bit alignment).
This bit has no meaning if bit PINC = '0'.
This bit is protected and can be written only if EN = '0'.
This bit is forced low by hardware when the stream is enabled (bit EN = '1') if the direct
mode is selected or if PBURST are different from “00”.
Bits 14:13
: Memory data size
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: byte (8-bit)
01: half-word (16-bit)
10: word (32-bit)
11: reserved
These bits are protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
In direct mode, MSIZE is forced by hardware to the same value as PSIZE as soon as bit EN
= '1'.
Bits 12:11
: Peripheral data size
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: Byte (8-bit)
01: Half-word (16-bit)
10: Word (32-bit)
11: reserved
These bits are protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’
Bit 10
: Memory increment mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Memory address pointer is fixed
1: Memory address pointer is incremented after each data transfer (increment is done
according to MSIZE)
This bit is protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.