14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
SIP Configuration - Proxies
Proxies (Optional)
: The priority for using this proxy.
Possible Value 1-4.
: The weight for using this proxy if more proxies
have the same priority.
Possible value 1 - 65.000 higher weight gives priority.
Default value: 100
: The URI or IP address of the proxy
SIP Configuration - Authentication
Default user (Optional)
Default user name used for SIP authentication.
: If no handset specific authentication user name/-
password is configured, handsets registered on the Spec-
tralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server will use the
default user name/password.
Default password (Optional)
Enter password.
Realm (Optional)
The realm presented by the proxy when requesting
authentication. If this field is non-empty, authentication
passwords will be encrypted.
: When the realm is changed, all stored SIP pass-
words will be invalid.
SIP Configuration - DTMF signalling
Send as RTP (Optional)
If enabled, keypad signaling will be sent as RTP event
Offered RFC2833 payload type
Payload type for RFC2833 in SDP offers.
Default value: 96
Send as SIP INFO (Optional)
If enabled, keypad signalling will be sent as SIP INFO
Tone duration(msec)
Enter the time length of the tone in milliseconds.
Default value: 270 msec
SIP Configuration - Message waiting indication
Enable indication (Optional)
If enabled, MWI is displayed in the handset.
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide