14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
Appendix B - Example of Handset Regis-
tration Data - CSV Format
You can import handset registration data in CSV format. To be able to import the data correctly, you
must create a file containing the following information and punctuation:
#IPEI,access code,standbytext,username,domain,displayname,authenticate user-
,authenticate password,disabled
If you want to leave out some of the information, e.g. standbytext, you must keep the com-
mas, e.g.:
#IPEI,access code,,username,domain,displayname,authenticate user-
,authenticate password,disabled
For more information about importing user data, see
"Import/Export of Users or Delete Users" on
It is not possible to import handset registration data already registered in the system.
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide