Seismic module
This module acquires streamers and buoys and process data from the system called TRINAV.
The positions of streamers and the different buoys are displayed in the electronic charts. The
seismic module calculates and triggers alarms when targets entered the security zone
defined around the streamers or when the seismic vessel is sailing in dangerous areas.
The Radar kit is necessary to overlay the Radar video on top of the chart that is installed on a
remote NetPC.
Seismic data
Data acquisition
For Western Geco vessels, most of the data is acquired from a central unit called TRINAV. The
data includes:
Buoys positions
Streamers positions
Own vessel position, course and speed
Survey area
Survey lines
The buoys are equipped with GPS where the course position and speed is broadcast every
two seconds.
There are three types of buoys:
Buoys located at the end of the streamers.
Buoys located at the start of the streamers. These buoys are very rare as of the moment.
Buoys located at the shorting place close to the ship.
The most recommended buoys are the two buoys located at the end of the two outer
streamers. The buoys are named from starboard to port 1,2 ..X
F001 is a starboard buoy
F0xx is the port buoy
ECDIS900 are handling buoys as targets. This is displayed with special icon and a vector. The
normal target in ECDIS calculates the course and speed for each buoy. This does not trigger
any CPA alarms.
for each buoy is indicated with a name and with a multi color big triangle.
trail for each buoy is displayed upon request. Track line is shown in the chart.
is sent and displayed in the chart area every 20 seconds. There are no
limitations for the number of streamers. The maximum captors for one streamer is 9.
The shape of the cable can be defined up to 11 positions.
To avoid the positions to jump between two receptions, ECDIS900 calculates
every second intermediate positions of the buoy. This is derived from the previous
position of the buoy, speed, course and the time from the last reception.
Seismic module
| ECDIS900 Operator Manual