SeaTrac target display
Right click on the
Target Table
button to open SeaTrac tender tracking dialog.
Toggle ON
Display tenders on the chart
to display targets (the default state is OFF).
Target are displayed as AIS target except size of shape is fixed, and with .
yellow circle around target shape( no alarm)
red blinking circle together with Horn icon in TTC column (if alarm)
Track available by right click menu for each target.
SeaTrac external alarm
This alarm is raised up by the Tender itself through NMEA when Alert field is setup to Panic
alert (see example above for TenderD when no internal alarm is activated, refer to
SeaTrac internal alarm
Three types of alarms can be activated regarding distance from own ship to Target.
The box should be check to get given alarm, and Distance threshold adjusted.
But in addition, for Tender approach and Tender towing, alarm should be activated target by
target. Right click menu option
For each target, track can be display, same menu, option
Show track display
Tender approach alarm for TenderX
(alarm if Range < Distance)
Tender out of range alarm for Tender3 and D
(Alarm if Range > Distance)
Tender towing alarm for Tender3
Automatic Identification System (AIS)
| ECDIS900 Operator