Converter with control units CU250D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2015, FW V4.7.3, A5E34261542B AB
Current reduction, 351, 351
Data backup, 275, 278, 281, 285, 385
Data set 47 (DS), 104
DC braking, 241, 241, 241, 242, 242
Default settings, 61
Delta connection (Δ)
Installation altitude, 350
DI (Digital Input), 117
Digital input
Function, 115
Digital inputs
Multiple assignment, 266
Digital output
Function, 115
Digital outputs
Functions of the, 119
Direct data exchange, 104
Direction of rotation, 133, 133
Discrepancy, 261
Filter, 261
Tolerance time, 261
Display parameters, 362
Drive Data Set, DDS, 272
Drive Data Sets, 272
Droop, 152
DVC A power supply, 345
Dynamic response, 174
Electromagnetic radiation, 349
Elevator, 245
EMC Emissions, 354
Emergency Stop button, 257
EN 61800-5-2, 256
Encoder, 148
Encoder data, 374
Encoder zero mark, 189
Encoderless speed control, 174
End customer, 384
Energy recovery option, 243
EPOS (basic positioner), 163
European EMC Directive, 352
European Low Voltage Directive, 352
European Machinery Directive, 352
Extended Safety, 117
External fan, 295, 295
Extruder, 228
Factory settings, 82
Factory settings for inputs and outputs, 51
Fail-safe digital input, 117
Fail-safe digital output, 117
Fault, 323
Motor, 317
Fault buffer, 323
Fault case, 323
Fault code, 323
Fault history, 324
Fault time, 323
received, 323
removed, 323
Fault value, 323
FB283, 103
FCC, 143
F-DI (Fail-safe Digital Input), 117
FFC (Flux Current Control), 145
Field weakening, 49
Contact bounce, 261
Discrepancy, 261
On/off test, 261
Fine resolution, 375
Update, 315
Firmware downgrade, 312
Firmware upgrade, 310
Firmware version, 5, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 384
Fixed stop reached, 95
Flux current control, 143
Following error, 177, 182, 214
Forced dormant error detection, 263
setting, 264
Formatting, 276
Function block FB283, 103
Function table, 384
Functional expansions, 270