Advanced commissioning
7.8 Application-specific functions
Converter with control units CU250D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2015, FW V4.7.3, A5E34261542B AB
Changing over the unit system
You change over the unit system using p0505. The following selection options are available:
p0505 = 1: SI units (factory setting)
p0505 = 2: SI units or % relative to SI units
p0505 = 3: US units
p0505 = 4: US units or % relative to US units
Special features
The percentage values for p0505 = 2 and for p0505 = 4 are identical. For internal
calculation and for the output of physical variables, it is, however, important whether the
conversion is made to SI or US units.
In the case of variables for which changeover to % is not possible, the following applies:
p0505 = 1
p0505 = 2 and p0505 = 3
p0505 = 4.
In the case of variables whose units are identical in the SI system and US system, and
which can be displayed as a percentage, the following applies:
p0505 = 1
p0505 = 3 and p0505 = 2
p0505 = 4.
Parameters affected by changeover
The parameters affected by changing over the unit system are grouped according to unit.
An overview of the unit groups and the possible units can be found in the List Manual in
the Section "Unit group and unit selection".
Switching units with STARTER
The inverter must be in the offline mode in order to change over the units.
STARTER shows whether you change settings online in the inverter or change offline in the
PC (
You switch over the mode using the adjacent but-
tons in the menu bar.
To change over the units with STARTER, proceed as follows:
Select the configuration
Go to the "Units" tab in the configuration screen form to change over the units
Changing over the system of units