Backing up data and series commissioning
8.5 Write and know-how protection
Converter with control units CU250D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2015, FW V4.7.3, A5E34261542B AB
Deactivating know-how protection, deleting a password
You are online with STARTER.
You have inserted the recommended Siemens card. See also Section: Commissioning
Proceed as follows to deactivate know-how protection:
1. Select the inverter in the STARTER
project, and using the right-hand
mouse button, open the dialog win-
dow “Know-how protection drive
device/deactivate …”.
2. There, select the desired option.
Temporary status: Know-how
protection is active again after
switching the power supply off
and on.
Final status: If you select "Copy RAM to ROM", the inverter immediately deletes the
password. If you do not select "Copy RAM to ROM", the inverter deletes the password
the next time the supply voltage is switched off.
3. Enter the password and exit the screen form with OK.
You have deactivated know-how protection.
Changing the password
Select the inverter in the STARTER project, and open the dialog screen form using the
shortcut menu “Know-how protection drive device/change password …”.