I/O configuration variants
6.7 Connection of two-channel I/O to the PROFIBUS DP interface
CPU 410 Process Automation/CPU 410 SMART
System Manual, 05/2017, A5E31622160-AC
A complete list of all modules released for SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 can be found in the
SIMATIC PCS 7 technical documentation, see Technical documentation.
Table 6- 6
Signal modules for redundancy
Article No.
Redundant DI dual-channel
DI16xDC 24 V, interrupt
6ES7 321-7BH00-0AB0
DI16xDC 24 V
6ES7 321-7BH01-0AB0
In the event of an error on one channel, the entire group (2 channels) is passivated. When using the module with HF index,
only the faulty channel is passivated in the event of a channel error.
Use with non-redundant encoder
This module supports the "wire break" diagnostic function. To implement this function, make sure that a total current
between 2.4 mA and 4.9 mA flows even at signal state "0" when you use an encoder that is evaluated at two inputs in
You achieve this by connecting a resistor across the encoder. Its value depends on the type of switch and usually
ranges between 6800 and 8200 ohms for contacts.
For BEROS, calculate the resistance using the following formula:
(30 V / (4.9 mA - I_R_Bero) < R < (20 V / (2.4 mA - I_R_Bero)
DI16xDC 24 V
6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0
In some system states, it is possible that an incorrect value of the first module is read in briefly when the front connector of
the second module is removed. This is prevented by using series diodes.
DI32xDC 24 V
6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0
In some system states, it is possible that an incorrect value of the first module is read in briefly when the front connector of
the second module is removed. This is prevented by using series diodes.
DI 8xAC 120/230V
6ES7 321-1FF01-0AA0
DI 4xNamur [EEx ib]
6ES7 321-7RD00-0AB0
You cannot use the module in redundant operation for applications in hazardous areas.
Use with non-redundant encoder
You can only connect 2-wire NAMUR encoders or contact makers.
Equipotential bonding of the encoder circuit should always be at one point only (preferably encoder negative).
When selecting encoders, compare their properties with the specified input characteristics. Remember that this function
must always be available, regardless of whether you are using one or two inputs.
DI 16xNamur
Use with non-redundant encoder
Equipotential bonding of the encoder circuit should always be at one point only (preferably encoder negative).
Operate the two redundant modules on a common load power supply.
When selecting encoders, compare their properties with the specified input characteristics. Remember that this function
must always be available, regardless of whether you are using one or two inputs.
DI 24xDC 24 V
F module in standard mode
DI 8xNAMUR [EEx ib]
F module in standard mode