Supplementary information
18.7 Communication services
CPU 410 Process Automation/CPU 410 SMART
System Manual, 05/2017, A5E31622160-AC
Open Communication Via Industrial Ethernet
The following services are available for open IE communication:
Connection-oriented protocols:
Prior to data transmission connection-oriented protocols establish a logical connection to
the communication partner and close this again, if necessary, after transmission is
complete. Connection-oriented protocols are used when security is especially important
in data transmission. A physical cable can generally accommodate several logical
connections. The maximum job length is 32 KB.
The following connection-oriented protocols are supported for the FBs for open IE
TCP to RFC 793
ISO on TCP according to RFC 1006
For data communication with third-party systems via RFC1006, the connection partner
must adhere to the maximum TPDU size (TPDU = Transfer Protocol Data Unit)
negotiated in the ISOonTCP connection establishment.
Connectionless protocols:
Connectionless protocols operate without a logical connection. There is also no
establishing or terminating a connection to remote partner. Connectionless protocols
transfer the data unacknowledged and thus unsecured to the remote partner. The
maximum message frame length is 1472 bytes.
The following connectionless protocols are supported for the FBs for open
communication via Industrial Ethernet:
UDP according to RFC 768
The single-cast method is supported.