114 / 144
Central control unit RMB795B
Building Technologies
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > Room group 1…10 >
Operating line
Factory setting
Holidays/special day
Autonomous, slave,
Room group 1 =
Master, all other room
groups slave
Holidays / special day
1...31 1
The behavior and the zone address for exchange of holiday/special day operation
can be set:
The setting "Master" means that the central control unit RMB795B sends, at the
beginning of the switching period, and then cyclically at 15-minute intervals, the
holidays/special days operating data via the KNX bus.
For the setting "Slave", it receives the holidays/special days operating data from
the holidays/special days master.
The slave must be assigned to the same holidays/special days zone.
1 to 3 specially selected individual rooms can be defined as reference rooms,
which are used for calculating the "Night cooling" function (see Sec. 8.9). These
rooms must then be in the same room group (geographical zone.apartment) as
defined for the room group. For this reason, for choosing the reference rooms, it is
not possible to set the Geographical zones apartment, but only the Geographical
zones Room.
Each reference room can be assigned individual text.
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > Room group 1…10 > Reference room
1…3 >
Operating line
Factory setting
Geographical zone (room) ---,
Reference room 1…3…3
20 characters
13.2.3 "Distribution zones" menu item
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > Distribution zones >
Operating line
Factory setting
Outside temperature zone ----, 1...31
Refrigeration distribution
----, 1...31
refrigeration distribution
zone, generation side
----, 1...31
Heat distribution zone
----, 1...31
Heat distr zone source
----, 1...31
13.2.4 Universal transmission and reception zones
The device RMU795B allows for the universal exchange of data via its own
terminals as well as via terminals for the extension module RMZ78x. The data is
exchanged via KNX bus from device to device.
Setting values
Explanations relating to
the setting values
Reference room 1…3
Setting values
Setting values