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Tento  symbol  indikuje,  že  výrobek  nesoucí  takovéto  označení  nelze  likvidovat  společně  s  běžným  domovním  odpadem.  Jelikož  se  jedná  o  produkt  obchodovaný  mezi 
podnikatelskými subjekty (B2B), nelze jej likvidovat ani ve veřejných sběrných dvorech. Pokud se potřebujete tohoto výrobku zbavit, obraťte se na organizaci specializující 
se na likvidaci starých elektrických spotřebičů v blízkosti svého působiště. 


Dit symbool duidt aan dat het product met dit symbool niet verwijderd mag worden als gewoon huishoudelijk afval. Dit is een product voor industrieel gebruik, wat betekent 
dat het ook niet afgeleverd mag worden aan afvalcentra voor huishoudelijk afval. Als u dit product wilt verwijderen, gelieve dit op de juiste manier te doen en het naar een 
nabij gelegen organisatie te brengen gespecialiseerd in de verwijdering van oud elektrisch materiaal. 


This symbol indicates that the product which is marked in this way should not be disposed of as normal household waste. As it is a B2B product, it may also not be disposed 
of at civic disposal centres. If you wish to dispose of this product, please do so properly by taking it to an organisation specialising in the disposal of old electrical equipment 
near you. 


Този знак означава, че продуктът, обозначен по този начин, не трябва да се изхвърля като битов отпадък. Тъй като е B2B продукт, не бива да се изхърля  и в 
градски пунктове за отпадъци. Ако желаете да извърлите продукта, го занесете в пункт, специализиран в изхвърлянето на старо електрическо оборудване. 


Dette symbol viser, at det produkt, der er markeret på denne måde, ikke må kasseres som almindeligt husholdningsaffald. Eftersom det er et B2B produkt, må det heller ikke 
bortskaffes på offentlige genbrugsstationer. Skal dette produkt kasseres, skal det gøres ordentligt ved at bringe det til en nærliggende organisation, der er specialiseret i at 
bortskaffe gammelt el-udstyr. 


Sellise sümboliga tähistatud toodet ei tohi käidelda tavalise olmejäätmena. Kuna tegemist on B2B-klassi kuuluva tootega, siis ei tohi seda viia kohalikku jäätmekäitluspunkti. 
Kui soovite selle toote ära visata, siis viige see lähimasse vanade elektriseadmete käitlemisele spetsialiseerunud ettevõttesse. 


Tällä merkinnällä ilmoitetaan, että kyseisellä merkinnällä varustettua tuotetta ei saa hävittää tavallisen kotitalousjätteen seassa. Koska kyseessä on yritysten välisen kaupan 
tuote,  sitä  ei  saa  myöskään  viedä  kuluttajien  käyttöön  tarkoitettuihin  keräyspisteisiin.  Jos  haluatte  hävittää  tämän  tuotteen,  ottakaa  yhteys  lähimpään  vanhojen 
sähkölaitteiden hävittämiseen erikoistuneeseen organisaatioon. 


Ce symbole indique que le produit sur lequel il figure ne peut pas être éliminé comme un déchet ménager ordinaire. Comme il s’agit d’un produit B2B, il ne peut pas non plus 
être déposé dans une déchetterie municipale. Pour éliminer ce produit, amenez-le à l’organisation spécialisée dans l’élimination d’anciens équipements électriques la plus 
proche de chez vous. 


Cuireann an siombail seo in iúl nár cheart an táirgeadh atá marcáilte sa tslí seo a dhiúscairt sa chóras fuíoll teaghlaigh. Os rud é gur táirgeadh ghnó le gnó (B2B) é, ní féidir 
é a dhiúscairt ach oiread in ionaid dhiúscartha phobail. Más mian leat an táirgeadh seo a dhiúscairt, déan é a thógáil ag eagraíocht gar duit a sainfheidhmíonn i ndiúscairt 
sean-fhearas leictrigh. 


Dieses Symbol zeigt an, dass das damit gekennzeichnete Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden soll. Da es sich um ein B2B-Gerät handelt, darf es 
auch  nicht  bei  kommunalen  Wertstoffhöfen  abgegeben  werden.  Wenn  Sie  dieses  Gerät  entsorgen  möchten,  bringen  Sie  es  bitte  sachgemäß  zu  einem  Entsorger  für 
Elektroaltgeräte in Ihrer Nähe. 


Αυτό το σύµβολο υποδεικνύει ότι το προϊόν που φέρει τη σήµανση αυτή δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτεται µαζί µε τα οικιακά απορρίµατα. Καθώς πρόκειται για προϊόν B2B, δεν 
πρέπει  να  απορρίπτεται  σε  δηµοτικά  σηµεία  απόρριψης.  Εάν  θέλετε  να  απορρίψετε  το  προϊόν  αυτό,  παρακαλούµε  όπως  να  το  παραδώσετε  σε  µία  υπηρεσία  συλλογής 
ηλεκτρικού εξοπλισµού της περιοχής σας. 


Ez  a  jelzés  azt  jelenti,  hogy  az  ilyen  jelzéssel  ellátott  terméket  tilos  a  háztartási  hulladékokkal  együtt  kidobni.  Mivel  ez  vállalati  felhasználású  termék,  tilos  a  lakosság 
számára  fenntartott  hulladékgyűjtőkbe  dobni.Ha  a  terméket  ki  szeretné  dobni,  akkor  vigye  azt  el  a  lakóhelyéhez  közel  működő,  elhasznált  elektromos  berendezések 
begyűjtésével foglalkozó hulladékkezelő központhoz. 


Questo  simbolo  indica  che  il  prodotto  non  deve  essere  smaltito  come  un  normale  rifiuto  domestico.  In  quanto  prodotto  B2B,  può  anche  non  essere  smaltito  in  centri  di 
smaltimento cittadino. Se si desidera smaltire il prodotto, consegnarlo a un organismo specializzato in smaltimento di apparecchiature elettriche vecchie. 


Šī zīme norāda, ka iztrādājumu, uz kura tā atrodas, nedrīkst izmest kopā ar parastiem mājsaimniecības atkritumiem. Tā kā tas ir izstrādājums, ko cits citam pārdod un lieto 
tikai uzņēmumi, tad to nedrīkst arī izmest atkritumos tādās izgāztuvēs un atkritumu savāktuvēs, kas paredzētas vietējiem iedzīvotājiem. Ja būs vajadzīgs šo izstrādājumu 
izmest atkritumos, tad rīkojieties pēc noteikumiem un nogādājiet to tuvākajā vietā, kur īpaši nodarbojas ar vecu elektrisku ierīču savākšanu. 


Šis  simbolis rodo,  kad  juo  paženklinto  gaminio  negalima  išmesti  kaip  paprastų  buitinių  atliekų.  Kadangi  tai  B2B  (verslas  verslui)  produktas,  jo  negalima  atiduoti ir buitinių 
atliekų tvarkymo įmonėms. Jei norite išmesti šį gaminį, atlikite tai tinkamai, atiduodami jį arti jūsų esančiai specializuotai senos elektrinės įrangos utilizavimo organizacijai. 


Dan  is-simbolu  jindika  li  l-prodott  li  huwa  mmarkat  b’dan  il-mod  m’għandux  jintrema  bħal  skart  normali  tad-djar.  Minħabba  li  huwa  prodott  B2B  ,  ma  jistax  jintrema  wkoll 
f’ċentri ċiviċi għar-rimi ta’ l-iskart. Jekk tkun tixtieq tarmi dan il-prodott, jekk jogħġbok għamel dan kif suppost billi tieħdu għand organizzazzjoni fil-qrib li tispeċjalizza fir-rimi ta’ 
tagħmir qadim ta’ l-elettriku. 


Dette symbolet indikerer at produktet som er merket på denne måten ikke skal kastes som vanlig husholdningsavfall. Siden dette er et bedriftsprodukt, kan det heller ikke 
kastes ved en vanlig miljøstasjon. Hvis du ønsker å kaste dette produktet, er den riktige måten å gi det til en organisasjon i nærheten som spesialiserer seg på kassering av 
gammelt elektrisk utstyr. 


Ten  symbol  oznacza,  że  produktu  nim  opatrzonego  nie  należy  usuwać  z  typowymi  odpadami  z  gospodarstwa  domowego.  Jest  to  produkt  typu  B2B,  nie  należy  go  więc 
przekazywać  na  komunalne  składowiska  odpadów.  Aby  we  właściwy  sposób  usunąć  ten  produkt,  należy  przekazać  go  do  najbliższej  placówki  specjalizującej  się  w 
usuwaniu starych urządzeń elektrycznych. 


Este símbolo indica que o produto com esta marcação não deve ser deitado fora juntamente com o lixo doméstico normal. Como se trata de um produto B2B, também não 
pode ser deitado fora em centros cívicos de recolha de lixo. Se quiser desfazer-se deste produto, faça-o correctamente entregando-o a uma organização especializada na 
eliminação de equipamento eléctrico antigo, próxima de si. 


Acest simbol indică faptul că produsul marcat în acest fel nu trebuie aruncat ca şi un gunoi menajer obişnuit. Deoarece acesta este un produs B2B, el nu trebuie aruncat nici 
la centrele de colectare urbane. Dacă vreţi să aruncaţi acest produs, vă rugăm s-o faceţi într-un mod adecvat, ducând-ul la cea mai apropiată firmă specializată în colectarea 
echipamentelor electrice uzate. 


Tento symbol znamená, že takto označený výrobok sa nesmie likvidovať ako bežný komunálny odpad.Keďže sa jedná o výrobok triedy B2B, nesmie sa likvidovať ani na 
mestských skládkach odpadu. Ak chcete tento výrobok likvidovať, odneste ho do najbližšej organizácie, ktorá sa špecializuje na likvidáciu starých elektrických zariadení. 


Ta  simbol pomeni, da izdelka, ki je z njim označen, ne smete zavreči kot običajne gospodinjske odpadke. Ker je to izdelek, namenjen za druge proizvajalce, ga ni dovoljeno 
odlagati  v  centrih  za  civilno  odlaganje  odpadkov.  Če  želite  izdelek  zavreči,  prosimo,  da  to  storite  v  skladu  s  predpisi,  tako  da  ga  odpeljete  v  bližnjo  organizacijo,  ki  je 
specializirana za odlaganje stare električne opreme. 


Este  símbolo  indica  que  el  producto  así  señalizado  no  debe  desecharse  como  los  residuos  domésticos  normales.  Dado  que  es  un  producto  de  consumo  profesional, 
tampoco debe llevarse a centros de recogida selectiva municipales. Si desea desechar este producto, hágalo debidamente acudiendo a una organización de su zona que 
esté especializada en el tratamiento de residuos de aparatos eléctricos usados. 


Den  här  symbolen  indikerar  att  produkten  inte  får  blandas  med  normalt  hushållsavfall  då  den  är  förbrukad.  Eftersom  produkten  är  en  så  kallad  B2B-produkt  är  den  inte 
avsedd  för  privata  konsumenter,  den  får  således  inte  avfallshanteras  på  allmänna  miljö-  eller återvinningsstationer  då  den  är  förbrukad.  Om  ni  vill  avfallshantera  den  här 
produkten på rätt sätt, ska ni lämna den till myndighet eller företag, specialiserad på avfallshantering av förbrukad elektrisk utrustning i ert närområde. 

Содержание Correlux C-300

Страница 1: ...ssue 01 04 2017 EN Article number 85839 Mess und Ortungstechnik Measuring and Locating Technologies Elektrizit tsnetze Power Networks Kommunikationsnetze Communication Networks Rohrleitungsnetze Water...

Страница 2: ...Consultation with SebaKMT 2...

Страница 3: ...ervice station please contact Seba Dynatronic Mess und Ortungstechnik GmbH Hagenuk KMT Kabelmesstechnik GmbH Dr Herbert Iann Str 6 D 96148 Baunach Phone 49 9544 68 0 Fax 49 9544 22 73 R deraue 41 D 01...

Страница 4: ...MT are hereby limited to a period of 12 months from the date of delivery Each component supplied by SebaKMT within the context of warranty will also be covered by this warranty for the remaining perio...

Страница 5: ...hnical data 13 3 6 Included in delivery 14 4 COR C 300 RI radio interface 15 4 1 Layout and function 15 4 2 Power supply 16 4 3 Start up 16 5 The Power transmitters 17 5 1 Design and function 17 5 2 I...

Страница 6: ...33 8 2 Opening the sensor pool 33 8 3 Adding sensors to the sensor pool 35 8 4 Deleting sensors 36 9 Online correlation 37 10 Offline correlation multiple point measurement 43 10 1 Performing measure...

Страница 7: ...this reason it is important to ensure that the manual is always available to the authorised and trained operator He needs to read the manual thoroughly The manufacturer is not liable for damage to mat...

Страница 8: ...such batteries is subject to regulations based on the UN Model Regulations Transport of Dangerous Goods ST SG AC 10 1 Please inform yourself about the transportation requirements and follow them when...

Страница 9: ...meters The following is shown to the left and right of the diagram Signal strength for online measurements The symbol indicates the strength of the Power transmitter wireless signal that arrives at th...

Страница 10: ...K provides 10 possible filter settings for selection Click button A window opens in which the software suggests 10 possible frequency filter settings The most appropriate setting is highlighted Band...

Страница 11: ...r system for the leak localisation in drinking water networks Pressurised water flowing out at the leak location creates a noise which travels out in all directions of the pipe This noise is recorded...

Страница 12: ...t range radio digital and analogue Computer with C 300 RI Multi sensors Short range radio digital 3 4 Power supply The Power transmitters and the Multi sensors each have internal Li ion batteries The...

Страница 13: ...nnections Sensor hydrophone Wireless antenna Dimensions without handle 125 x 111 mm Weight without sensor 0 9 kg Protection class IP 65 Parameter Value Type Piezo sensor with magnetic adapter for conn...

Страница 14: ...5 m 810000006 KR 22 5 Stereo headphones 810002087 VST T 1 2 x extension rod for PAM CORR 2 810000103 VK 77 Connection cable Sebalog D output USB 820012451 2 x braided nylon cord 3 mm blue 2 m 3040350...

Страница 15: on Only Power transmitter B is played back LED B is on Both Power transmitters are played back both LEDs are on Headphones Connection socket for the supplied headphones Antenna 1 digital radio wit...

Страница 16: ...The long antenna is plugged into the connection socket and screwed down with a quarter turn to the right You must feel the antenna engage The device is connected to a USB port of the computer Use the...

Страница 17: ...have the following external characteristics Element Description Microphone storage place Sensor socket for connecting the microphone hydrophone I O pushbutton short pressing K switches the device on K...

Страница 18: ...surement data is being sent to the Correlator not lit K the transmitter is in Stand by mode no measurement in progress no radio traffic 5 2 Identification number ID Each Power transmitter has its own...

Страница 19: ...e CorreluxView 3 software you will also find an indication on the battery status provided the corresponding Power transmitter is logged on there and currently available The Power transmitters are char...

Страница 20: ...s the microphone is taken from the storage place the Power transmitter switches from Stand by to Active mode The radio module is activated From now on the recorded data are directly sent to the Correl...

Страница 21: charged flashes rapidly Device is charging no light Device is turned off ON OFF contact area I O Magnetic foot detachable Type plate Carrying ring detachable 6 2 Identification number ID Each Mult...

Страница 22: ...find an indication on the battery status provided the corresponding Multi sensor is logged on there and currently available To charge the Multi sensors place them in the transport case The case must b...

Страница 23: ...oughly preferably with a wire brush 6 6 Angle adapter In some situations the Multi sensor cannot be attached directly to the desired measurement point due to its size e g in very narrow shafts or simi...

Страница 24: ...24 Unscrew the magnetic foot from the sensor Take one of the supplied screws from the Correlux set to screw the angle adapter on the sensor Make sure that the sensor s type plate does face away from...

Страница 25: ...t At least 4 GB of RAM Minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768 pixels USB port CD ROM drive The CorreluxView 3 program can be found on the supplied data CD Start the installation file on the CD and follo...

Страница 26: ...screen you will see either a green checkmark or a red cross This symbol indicates whether the COR C 300 RI radio interface is connected to the computer and has been recognised by the software Symbol...

Страница 27: the left of the screen Users are free to create edit and delete directories subdirectories and measurements in any way they wish During preparation and execution of an offline measurement there is...

Страница 28: ...mber for this sensor Button for listening to the quietest recording made by this sensor so called leak noise Minimum value of this sensor ESA value level in dB frequency in Hz The color of the field r...

Страница 29: ...ent data are saved under this location You can use the Open button to open the directory You can use the New button to specify a new storage location The application will display a window allowing you...

Страница 30: ...nd deleting directories To create a new directory in the directory tree proceed as follows Step Description 1 In the directory tree select the directory under which your new directory is to be added a...

Страница 31: ...from the directory tree proceed as follows Step Description 1 Select the relevant measurement in the directory tree 2 Click on Delete in the Measurement segment 3 Answer Yes to the delete confirmation...

Страница 32: to enter parameters for the new pipeline 4 You can use the Add and Delete buttons to divide the displayed pipeline into individual sections if the line between the sensors is not consistently of t...

Страница 33: ...e CorreluxView 3 software Step Description 1 In the top left of the window click on the symbol 2 In the context menu select Sensor Sensor pool Result The sensor pool of the correlator is shown The sen...

Страница 34: ...sensor Index number of the device A B K Indicates whether it is Power transmitter A or B 1 8 K Displays the number of the Multi sensor that was assigned to the device at registration This number can b...

Страница 35: ...r of the sensor concerned in the input field Confirm the input with the or button in the same window Result The sensor is added to the sensor pool Add more sensors in succession Automatic detection Cl...

Страница 36: ...Sensor management 36 8 4 Deleting sensors To remove a registered sensor from the sensor pool click on the delete symbol of the respective sensor...

Страница 37: the measurement point Switch the Power transmitter on If necessary first connect the headphones to the COR C 300 RI and listen whether a leak noise can actually be heard at the measurement point 2...

Страница 38: ...reception with interference Correlation is hardly possible or not interruption free Reaction The following measures can help Go closer to the Power transmitter with the laptop and COR C 300 RI Positio...

Страница 39: ...ak exists or no exact location possible Reaction If you nonetheless still suspect a leak you should perform an offline measurement night measurement instead of an online measurement You can listen to...

Страница 40: ...or each section or subsection enter the length of the pipe For each section or subsection select the material of the pipe from the drop down list Individual entry is not possible For each section or s...

Страница 41: ...stances the same size NO YES K the two values are significantly different K the two values indicate about half the total distance Meaning The values seem plausible Reaction Continue correlation and pe...

Страница 42: ...Online correlation 42...

Страница 43: ...ted correctly To prepare the desired sensors for the measurement proceed as follows Step Description 1 All sensors must be switched on 2 Start the CorreluxView 3 software 3 Open the Offline correlatio...

Страница 44: ...on the checkbox next to the sensor number to set remove the checkmark Chekmark is set Sensor will be used Checkmark is not set Sensor will not be used Only sensors that have a checkmark will be progra...

Страница 45: ...egins until the measurement On the screen a count down timer displays the time remaining until the start of measurement Place the sensors at the measurement points If possible determine and save the G...

Страница 46: ...In the menu bar open the Offline correlation tab In the menu bar click Read Result The computer first queries the internal times of the sensors to determine the resulting time offset Then the recorde...

Страница 47: ...start a correlation with all measurements that are listed in the directory tree Proceed as follows Step Description 1 Select the corresponding measurement in the directory tree 2 In the menu bar open...

Страница 48: ...lication calculates an average over the 10 individual audio block correlations carried out for a sensor pair This averaged correlation is displayed in the sensor pair s thumbnail Disabled audio blocks...

Страница 49: ...l audio block correlations which are unusable To do this just deactivate the checkbox next to the audio block in question The thumbnail of the sensor pair s overall correlation highlighted by a red re...

Страница 50: ...other in the map If you click on the trace symbol in the window the correlation for the corresponding sensor pair is started and displayed If you click on the drop symbol in the window in the map the...

Страница 51: ...est volume setting should be set on the headphones Proceed as follows Step Description 1 At the top of the display area open the Measurement tab 2 Look for the corresponding sensor in the sensor list...

Страница 52: ...Listening to leak noises from a stored measurement 52...

Страница 53: ...window opens for this sensor The following fields and buttons for determining and managing position data can be found in the window Element Description Longitude and latitude These two fields contain...

Страница 54: ...lable as an optional accessory from SebaKMT The GPS receiver is simply connected to the laptop using a USB port The device turns on automatically and immediately starts to search for available satelli...

Страница 55: ...associated COM port Example Option 2 Did you install the aforementioned GPS test program from the driver CD onto your computer Then open this program GPS Information button the desktop and click Scan...

Страница 56: ...field for example city street name Then click Search Result The map zooms to the specified location 3 Continue to move and enlarge the map using the familiar tools for example mouse wheel Ctrl Ctrl a...

Страница 57: ...vecchie z me nor da ka iztr d jumu uz kura t atrodas nedr kst izmest kop ar parastiem m jsaimniec bas atkritumiem T k tas ir izstr d jums ko cits citam p rdod un lieto tikai uz mumi tad to nedr kst a...
