Protective gloves must be worn at all times during maintenance and cleaning work.
Pos: 4.7. 11 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Wart ung und La ger ung/ Zü ndke rzens tecke r a bziehe n M ähe r @ 0\m od_ 1115 186 345 781 _15 21.d oc @ 165 1
Maintenance and cleaning work must only be carried out if the engine has been turned off and the spark plug
connector has been removed.
Pos: 4.7. 12 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Wart ung und La ger ung/Ke rze nsteck er ni emals bei l aufe nde m M oto r abzi ehe n @ 1 3\m od_ 128 021 905 6956 _15 21. doc @ 110 075
Never remove the spark plug connector when the motor is running! Risk: Electric shock.
Pos: 4.7. 13 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Wart ung und La ger ung/ Ta nk nu r im Fr eien entle ere n @ 0\m od_ 1115 186 486 750 _15 21.d oc @ 164 9
If the tank has to be emptied, this should be done in the open, and with a cold engine. Take care to ensure that no fuel
is spilt.
Pos: 4.7. 14 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Wart ung und La ger ung/N ur O rigin alers atzteil e verw end en SABO @ 0\m od_ 1115 186 601 093 _15 21.d oc @ 164 2
For warranty and safety reasons, original replacement parts must be used at all times.
Pos: 5.1 /-- -- --- --- 1 L eer zeile --- --- -- -- @ 0\m od_ 111 461 178 714 0_15 21. doc @ 207 0
Pos: 5.2 /Inn enteil/B eschr eibu ng d er Ba uteile /1 BESCHREIBUNG DER BAUTEILE @ 0 \mo d_1 115 187 8924 68_ 152 1.do c @ 1 664
Pos: 5.3 /Inn enteil/B eschr eibu ng d er Ba uteile /Beschr eibu ng d er Ba uteile 52 -PRO S A / 5 2-PRO S A PLUS Text MUSTER @ 21\ mod _13 509 0617 776 2_1 521. doc @ 15 951 7
1 Safety control bar for engine brake
2 Drive control bar
3 Tank cap with ventilation valve (model-dependent)
4 Engine cover
5 Air filter
6 Fuel tap (model-dependent)
7 Oil filter (model-dependent)
8 Cutting height setting
9 Deflector
10 Spark plug
11 Exhaust protection grid
12 Belt drive covers
13 Bar support
14 Oil-refill neck with dipstick
15 Protection frame (model-dependent)
16 Starter cable handle
Pos: 6.1 /-- -- --- --- 1 L eer zeile --- --- -- -- @ 0\m od_ 111 461 178 714 0_15 21. doc @ 207 0
Pos: 6.2 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/ 1 VORBEREITENDE ARBEITEN @ 0 \mo d_1 115 194 917 734_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 672
Pos: 6.3 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten Tex t 52 er Pr ofi Seite nausw urf @ 1 2\mo d_1 257 516 354 086 _152 1.d oc @ 9 839 3
The following parts are included in the packaging for assembly of the mower:
• Mower
• Handle support
• Lower handle
• Upper handle
• Deflector
• Tool bag with the following contents:
– Operator's manual with Declaration of Conformity
– Warranty conditions and Warranty card
– Spark plug key
– Various fixing parts.
In the unlikely event of a missing part, please contact your dealer.
Pos: 6.4 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/ 1.1 H olma bstüt zun g an bau en (A bbildu ng D 1 ) @ 0\ mod _11 1519 734 210 9_1 521. doc @ 16 79
Assembling the handle support (Illustration D1 )
Pos: 6.5 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/H olm abstü tzun g an bau en Text @ 6\ mod _11 864 0384 645 3_1 521. doc @ 38 120
– Position the handle support on the two preassembled screws between the rear wheels.
– Tighten by hand with a curved washer and a hexagon heat nut.
Pos: 6.6 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/ 1.1 Fü hru ngsh olm-U nte rteil a nba uen (Abbild ung C1 + W2 ) @ 5 \mo d_1 186 385 0896 45_ 152 1.do c @ 3 785 3
Assembling the handlebar lower section (Ilustration C1 +
Pos: 6.7 /Inn enteil/V orb ereit end e Arb eiten/ Fü hru ngsh olm-U nte rteil a nba uen Tex t 52 er Pr ofi S @ 13\ mod _128 031 021 110 9_1 521. doc @ 11 027 7
Turn the bar bottom in such a way that the recess in the drill holes for mounting the bar top points upwards.
– Slide washers (4 mm) (3) onto each of the two M8 bolts (1) of the rubber buffer (2)
– Attach the two ends of the handles (4) onto the bolts (1) from outside.
– Slide one bushing (5), one washer (6) and one spring washer (7) onto each of the protruding bolt ends (1) and secure
with self-locking nuts (8).