After every operation
• Clean the mower.
• Check the blade for damage and wear.
Pos: 12. 9 /In nent eil/War tun gsinte rvalle/Ein fah rzeit – Nach de n er sten 5 Bet riebsst und en B&S @ 1 9\m od_ 134 624 4491 464 _15 21.d oc @ 149 253
Running-in time – after the first 5 operating hours
• Change the engine oil
Pos: 12. 10 /I nne nteil/Wa rtu ngsint ervall e/Alle 5 0 Betri ebsstu nde n Benzi ner , 54 er Pr ofi, B&S @ 2 0\mo d_1 349 941 656 984 _152 1.d oc @ 1579 50
Every 50 operating hours
• Change the engine oil
• Change the oil filter
• Clean the air filter paper insert
• Clean the pre-filter
Clean the spark plug and adjust electrode distance
• Grease the bearings of the rear wheel drive
Pos: 12. 11 /I nne nteil/Wa rtu ngsint ervall e/Bei d er J ahr esinsp ektion Benzin er, 54e r Profi, B&S, JS63V @ 20\ mod_ 134 994 216 657 3_1 521. doc @ 15 7967
During annual servicing
• Have the air filter paper insert replaced
• Have the pre-filter replaced
• Have the spark plug replaced
Clean the gearbox and the area under the belt cover.
Check all throttle cables and adjust them if necessary.
Pos: 13. 1 /- --- -- --- - 1 Lee rzeile -- --- -- --- @ 0\ mod _11 146 117 871 40_1 521 .doc @ 20 70
Pos: 13. 2 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/1 PF LEGE UND WARTUNG DES MÄHERS @ 0\ mod _11 1536 275 523 4_1 521. doc @ 18 09
Pos: 13. 3 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/Pfleg e un d War tun g des Mä hers Hinweis @ 0\ mod _11 1536 300 754 6_1 521. doc @ 18 44
Regular care is the best guarantee of long working life and trouble-free operation!
Pos: 13. 4 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/Ori ginale rsatz teile Hinw eis @ 6\m od_ 1199 788 471 285 _15 21.d oc @ 434 84
Only use original spare parts because only those guarantee safety and quality!
Pos: 13. 5 /In nent eil/Siche rheits hinweis e/Siche rheits hinweis: Les en, Mess er, Stei n, M oto rsto p, Heiss, Zü ndke rze, Han dschu he @ 0\m od_ 111 536 314 5562 _15 21. doc @ 153 2
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols page 3
Pos: 13. 6 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/1.1 Reinig ung (Abbil dung A + O ) @ 3\ mod _115 167 387 261 1_1 521. doc @ 17 031
Cleaning (Illustration A + O )
Pos: 13. 7 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/Reini gung Te xt Benzi n mit B enzin hahn , Belüft ungs ventil KAI S (A + O ) ( nur für Mo dell mit Zus atzt ank) @ 20 \mo d_1 349 766 523 732_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 569 42
During cleaning and maintenance work, always close the fuel tap and the ventilation valve (1) A (only on models
with additional tank), do not place the mower on its side, tilt it forwards instead O (spark plug facing upwards) as
otherwise start-up difficulties could occur. Secure the mower in its raised position!
Remove dirt and residual grass directly after mowing. Use a brush or cloth for cleaning.
Do not rotate the cutter bar, as otherwise motor oil is pumped into the carburettor/air filter and start-up difficulties can occur.
The deflector is under tension, be careful when cleaning it as otherwise fingers can become crushed.
Never use high-pressure cleaners or a normal water jet to clean the drive area, engine parts (such as ignition
system, carburettor etc.), seals and bearing points. Damage or expensive repairs can be the consequence of such
Pos: 13. 8 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/1.1 Aufb ewah run g @ 0 \mo d_1 115 3639 382 81_ 152 1.doc @ 1 810
Pos: 13. 9 /In nent eil/Pfleg e un d Wa rtun g des Mä her s/Aufb ewah run g T ext @ 0\m od_ 111 5364 661 953 _15 21.d oc @ 182 4
Always keep the machine in a clean condition in a closed, dry room out of reach of children. Always allow the engine to cool
down before you store the machine in a closed room.
Pos: 13. 10 /I nne nteil/Pfle ge u nd Wa rtu ng d es M ähe rs/1. 1 Tra nspo rt u nd Siche run g d es Ge rät es (Ab bildun g N + N4) @ 9\ mod _12 289 192 310 67_ 1521 .doc @ 71 439
Transporting and securing the equipment (Illustration N + N4 )
Pos: 13. 11 /I nne nteil/Pfle ge u nd Wa rtu ng d es M ähe rs/ Tra nspo rt u nd Sich eru ng Text 52e r PRO S mit Rah men (n ur b ei M odell mit Schu tzra hme n). @ 21 \mo d_1 350 981 993 790_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 598 65
– In case the equipment has to be carried, hold it at the front on the housing (1) and behind on the cross tube of the guide
handlebar – top (2) (see Illustration
). The equipment can also be held on both sides on the protection frame (3) and
lower tube (4) when carried (only on model with protection frame).
Please take the weight of the machine into consideration before lifting it (see Technical Data). Lifting large weights can
result in health problems.
We recommend that this equipment should always be lifted or carried by at least two people, when other means of help
are not at disposal.
When this equipment is transported on a load area, a loading ramp should be used for loading and unloading.
Avoid injuries! Be especially careful when loading or unloading the equipment.
When a trailer is used, we recommend ensuring that it is equipped with stable sidewalls.
Only the marked points on the transport vehicle may be used to secure the equipment.