Checking operating safety
Pos: 11. 9 /In nent eil/M ähb etrie b/Prüf ung de r Betri ebssich erh eit Text Be nzin Seit ena uswur f @ 2 1\m od_ 135 0980 143 129 _15 21.d oc @ 159 831
Before every mowing job, make sure that the safety control bar for the engine brake is working perfectly. When the control
bar is released, the engine and cutter bar must come to a standstill within three seconds. If this is not the case, please
consult your nearest authorised workshop.
Make sure that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not damaged.
To avoid risk, check the condition and firm attachment of the blade before every mowing job. The blade attachment screw
must always be tightened by an authorised workshop. If the blade screw is too tight or too loose, the blade coupling and
cutter bar can become damaged or loose which can lead to serious injuries. A worn or damaged blade must always be
replaced. (refer here to the chapter "Cutter blade care").
In addition, check blade coupling every 10 operating hours for wear and a tight fit. Also check screws and nuts for a firm fit
and tighten if necessary!
Make sure the spark plug connector is fitted tightly. Contact is only dangerous if the plug connector has not been installed
correctly. Never pull the plug connector off with the engine running! Danger: electric shock.
If the mower mechanism becomes blocked e.g. by colliding with an obstacle, have an authorised workshop check whether
any parts of the mower are damaged or deformed. Always have any necessary repairs done by an authorised workshop too.
Pos: 11. 10 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Zeitlich e Einsch ränk ung en @ 0\m od_ 111 535 891 0000 _15 21. doc @ 177 5
Time restrictions
Pos: 11. 11 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/ Zeitlich e Einsch ränk ung en Text @ 0\ mod _11 153 589 4250 0_1 521 .doc @ 17 84
The time at which lawnmowers may be used varies from region to region. Please ask the corresponding authorities before
using your mower.
Pos: 11. 12 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Tipps z ur R asen pfleg e @ 2\m od_1 144 832 859 503 _15 21.d oc @ 121 93
Tips on caring for your lawn
Pos: 11. 13 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Mähe n (Ab bildu ng M ) @ 2\m od_ 114 482 4073 403 _15 21.d oc @ 120 93
Mowing (Illustration M )
Pos: 11. 14 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/ Tipps zur R asen pfleg e M ähe n 52 er Pr ofi S Text MUSTER @ 21\ mod _13 5098 078 503 6_1 521. doc @ 15 984 8
After 10 – 14 days every lawn starts to become overgrown. You will realize that: the often it is cut the better and stronger will
it look; since regular mowing promotes uniform growth.
Remove any objects (stones, wood, branches, etc.) from the lawn before each cut; but still watch out for objects lying around
during the mowing process.
Make sure to mow only dry lawns as far as possible. When the ground is wet, turf will be damaged easily; the wheels press
deep into the ground and leave ridges behind.
If the grass has become too long, mow with a higher cutting height in one direction first and then cut across the first direction
at the cutting height setting you require. Only cut with a sharp flawless blade so that grass holms do not fray. You obtain a
clean cutting pattern when you mow at walking speed in straight lanes. These lanes should always overlap by several
centimetres so that no strips remain behind.
Mowing at lowest cutting height should only be carried out on level and plane lawns!
Please note that the lower cutting height settings may only be used for optimal conditions. If you select cutting height that is
too low, the turf may be damaged and under certain circumstances even destroyed.
Besides the cutting height, the driving speed also influences the cutting pattern. Adapt the driving speed to the person,
grounds and to the grass height to be cut. For longer grass sections, a slower driving speed should be selected and the
motor drive may not need to be switched on.
When mowing long grass, select a high cutting height first and then mow across the first direction again with a low cutting
height setting.
Pos: 11. 15 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Mulche n @ 2\m od_ 114 4824 162 792 _15 21.d oc @ 121 03
Pos: 11. 16 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/ Mulch en Hinw eis Benzin @ 2 \mo d_1 144 8249 391 36_ 152 1.doc @ 1 212 3
Your lawnmower can be equipped with a mulch kit. The conversion kit to a mulch system is available as an accessory from
your specialist dealer (Order no, for conversion kit, see Original Replacement Parts and Accessories).
The conversion of the mower to the mulch system should always be carried out by an authorised specialist
workshop. An incorrectly assembled blade clutch or blade screw which is too loose or tight can lead to detachment
of the blade, which can lead to serious injuries.
Pos: 11. 17 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Was vers teht ma n un ter Mulc hen @ 2\ mod _11 448 3084 053 1_1 521. doc @ 12 173
What is understood by the term mulching?
Pos: 11. 18 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/Was vers teht ma n un ter Mulc hen Text @ 2 \mo d_1 144 8243 732 43_ 152 1.doc @ 1 211 3
When mulching, the lawn is cut and the cut blades of grass are then, immediately thereafter, chopped several times to
become even smaller using a special mulch-blade system. This mulch-blade system straightens the grass blades and cuts
the blades into very short segments which are then distributed evenly over the lawn surface.
The grass blade segments can now dry and rot more quickly, thus facilitating the production of humus. This enables natural
fertilisation of the soil and also protects against dehydration.
Gathering and removal of cuttings is no longer necessary. The mulch concept is thus environmentally-friendly and stimulates
the ecology.
Pos: 11. 19 /I nne nteil/ Mäh betri eb/1 .1 Wie err eicht ma n ein en p erf ekten Rase nschnit t @ 2 \mo d_1 144 830 928 671_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 218 3