8 Line codes for extended host interface
Roche Diagnostics
COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus analyzer/Cedex Bio HT Analyzer · Software version 3.6/5.1 · Host Interface Manual · Version 1.24
Line codes for extended host interface
About line codes
Format code
x-character ASCII-string, left adjusted.
Length x is fixed.
Shorter strings have to be filled up with trailing <spaces>.
Example: S15 "Mr.•Evans••••••"
ASCII-formatted x-digit integer value, right adjusted.
Length x is fixed.
Shorter integer values have to be filled up with leading <spaces> or zeros (0).
Example: I5 "00069" or "•••69"
ASCII-formatted real value with sign, right adjusted.
x = Length of the whole data record.
y = Number of digits after the decimal point (optional).
Length x is fixed.
Shorter real-values have to be filled up with leading <spaces> or zeros (0).
The decimal point is mandatory.
Example: SR9.3: "-0077.123"
ASCII formatted floating point number, right adjusted.
x = Length of the whole data record.
Length x is fixed.
Shorter real-values have to be filled up with leading <spaces> or zeros (0).
The sign "+" or "-" for the exponent is mandatory.
Decimal point and exponent "E" are mandatory.
Mantissa has exactly one digit before the decimal point in the range 1 to 9.
No <spaces> are allowed between the mantissa and the exponent.
Example: F12: "••••6.11E+33" or F15: "-00007.4321E-02"
Date format 1: DD/MM/YYYY.
10 character ASCII-string.
Example: "04/01/1994"
Date format 2: DD-MMM-YY (used by COBAS Core/Core II).
9 character ASCII-string.
Example: "04-JAN-94"
Time format 1: hh:mm:ss (hh in 24 h format).
8 character ASCII-string.
Example: "22:07:34"
Time format 2: hh:mm (hh in 24 h format) (used by COBAS Core/Core II).
5 character ASCII-string.
Example: "22:07"
Formats of data fields used in line codes