4 Block codes
Roche Diagnostics
COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus analyzer/Cedex Bio HT Analyzer · Software version 3.6/5.1 · Host Interface Manual · Version 1.24
Block codes
Block 62: Sample Tube Information
Block 62 is used either as a response to an MCS request
with service 1 (onboard sample tubes without orders) or
as a response to an MCS request with service 4 (list of all
known sample tubes).
Onboard sample tubes without orders (host
query mode
If the sample tubes are identified by barcodes, the host
has the possibility to request a list of all onboard sample
tubes without associated order. This is done by means of
block 60 with service 1. Block 62 is the associated
response. It contains one or more lines:
The relevant tube information of every on board sample
tube that has no associated order is returned to the host
The host computer should transmit the request
periodically to the instrument (e.g. every 60 seconds). If
there are no sample tubes without an associated order on
the instrument, a block 69 with line 96 (service 61) is
Timing and procedure are described in host query.
List of all known sample tubes
The host has the possibility of requesting a list of all
known sample tubes. This is done using block 60 with
service 4. Block 62 is the associated response. It contains
one or more lines:
The relevant tube information of all known sample tubes
is returned to the host system.
The instrument keeps all sample tube information (order
number, rack, tube position, tube type and possibly
sample type) until the associated rack is re-inserted into
the instrument. It then deletes the information and re-
reads the sample tube barcodes.
If there is no sample tube information available, a block
69 with line 96 (service 61) is returned.
(1) x = 1 to 105
Tube Information
1 to x
Block 62 Sample tubes without orders
(1) x = 1 to 14985
Tube Information
1 to x
Block 62 List of all sample tubes